Another dawn of the future – Juventud Rebelde


  Santiago en 26

SANTIAGO DE CUBA.- The wild rhythm of the carnival, the illuminated environment in a city that breathes progress, the constructive ardor of intense days, everything is dressed in solemnity.

Santiago at the Moncada. Never forget The memory of the daring gesture of this group of young people who, 65 years ago, initiated the path towards the definitive freedom of the Cubans, the new blood shed by savagery and barbarism, are the stimulants and the fruits of the work the most fragrant flowers. The other morning of the Santa Ana

Just at 5 and 12 minutes – according to recent surveys, the exact time of the beginning of the action -, Raúl al Moncada has entered again, followed de Díaz-Canel, Machado, Ramiro …, at the head of the cultural political act for the national commemoration of the anniversary, and that the best symbol of this other badault, a shower of flags in the hands of the future stroked the walls of the old military fortress, while the voice of the pioneer Vladimir Céspedes, He defied the challenge, as then: "We are already in combat, to defend the idea of ​​all those who died … "

The hymn of Bayamo then embraced the soul of the Fatherland and again he saw dispa For Abel, he felt the cry of Renato Guitart , the shuddering look of Tbadende, the strength of Melba and Haydeé, the tenderness of Boris Luis … and the truncated dreams of almost the children who rise up t over their years.

Once again, the chief's voice was heard, Fidel, still the lighthouse of Cuba: "(…) our hope is that this revolution will never come back and that all the glory and dignity achieved can not destroy nobody … "

the pioneer of the seventh year Laikén Rodríguez was born much later, her voice is born of pride: we will never let down the men and women who gave their lives so that children and women Cuban teens are happy, so we have the right to education today, health and sports for free.

And the reasons of the Oriente University professor Arianne Rodríguez convinced by ratifying that this youth, heiress of the same vocation of political and social firmness, the same indomitable spirit of those d & # 39; beardless courage, will continue to be protagonist of the great work started on January 1, 1959.

El Moncada showed us the way that would be traveled and with this high example, for us it is still 26, said the member Central Committee and First Party Secretary in the Eastern Province, Lázaro Expósito Canto, taking as a reference the singer Carlos Puebla.

Here was born the fatherland, the direction of Fidel; The Moncada has raised awareness and rebellion, said the leader and spoke of the commitment of santiagueros to greet this date with results in all areas.

He said that with working methods such as those of the movement Santiago Arde cafes, shops, service centers and many other social projects; the construction and rehabilitation of advances from the housing fund; the health shows top indicators and new diagnostic teams have entered, among other actions that were possible through the collective effort, the capacity for resistance and victory and the sense of belonging and dedication of the people, with the leadership of the country.

Photos: Roberto Suarez

This Revolution, daughter of the ideas of Martí and fidelistas, does not surrender nor sell, says Expósito Canto, and according to its words , was the reaffirmation and oath of all Santiago

As this morning of July 26, 1953, on the roof of the neighboring courthouse, and as he had promised last December, the general 's. Raúl Castro's army then spoke Ruz.

None of us who had the privilege of participating in these actions, under the command of Fidel, could dream then that we would be alive one day like today, with a free country, Independent and sovereign, With a socialist revolution in power, and a united people ready to defend the work done, says of the emotion.

He pointed out that this 65th anniversary is celebrated in Santiago de Cuba, not only by history, but also to recognize the work Develop the province for the benefit of the people.

He listed the country's challenges in the future as the process of popular consultation to which the draft Constitution of the Republic will soon be submitted; He spoke of the threats the left is undergoing in Latin America today, proclaimed that the Cubans are demanding the freedom of Lula da Silva and his right to be a candidate for the presidency of the Workers Party, and badured that we will be able to win and advance in the construction of socialism. We want, based on sustainability, prosperity and social justice.

He recalled that since July 26, 1953, the Cuban revolutionaries forged in an incessant battle and we came here to overcome the failures and overcome the aggressions of all

He said that there are five months and five days to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the triumph of the Revolution … and that day, we will meet again here in Santiago.

From here, the sun opened the horizon, at the culmination of a beautiful dawn between the mountains, which fueled the pride of the heroic city by being totally surrounded by the Sierra Maestra.

The fighter, c On his chest full of medals, he shook his head enthusiastically and thousands of flags came back to clutch the hands of pioneers, university students, young people. The poet's verse became a reality: "I write 26 and future responses."

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  Santiago in 26

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