Antioquia has three new municipalities free of mines


Rionegro, San Vicente Ferrer and Jardín are the three new municipalities of Antioquia declared free from suspicion of antipersonnel mines, of the 36 who received this good news throughout the country.

Saturday, President Juan Manuel Santos, during a visit to the city of Popayán (Cauca), where he presented the balance of the fight against this scourge.

He reported that 673 municipalities identified with some type of contamination for this type of explosive device, 264 are already considered to be endangered, accounting for 40% of the total. advanced.

For the head of state, this would not have been possible without the peace agreement with the FARC, "This has generated favorable security conditions that have allowed for the security of the country. reach conflict areas. "

Currently, demining operations by military forces and 10 civilian organizations continue in 192 municipalities of Antioquia. Meta, Caquetá, Cauca, Bolívar, Santander, Putumayo, Huila, Tolima and Valle.

Sergio Bueno Aguirre, head of the Directorate of Integral Action Against Antipersonnel Mines, pointed out that in 2016, 89 victims these artifacts, while in 2017 there was 56 (40 civilians and 16 soldiers), which implies a favorable decrease of this sad statistic.

In fact, in the last three years Colombia has grown from second to tenth place in the count of nations with the highest number of casualties, according to Landmine Monitor. Despite the good news, the task is far from over.

Still there remain 217 municipalities to intervene and the effects do not stop. The last episode took place last Thursday in the village of La Paz, in the municipality of El Retorno (Guaviare), where died Felix Sánchez Cabrera, second sergeant of the army.

His establishment stated that he was in the process of eradicating illicit crops. by members of the dissent of the first front of the Farc.

The government's goal is to clean up the entire country by 2021 at the latest, which equates to 52 million square meters of suspects.

In addition to the three localities described, in Antioquia, municipalities such as Angelópolis, Anzá, Barbosa, Betulia, Uramita, Venecia and Caldas, among others, had already been released from the mines

The last beneficiary communes

These are the 36 localities recently declared free from suspicion of antipersonnel mines:

• ANTIOQUIA: Jardín, Rionegro and San Vicente Ferrer

• CAUCA: Popayán and Florencia. 19659003] • VALLE: Sevilla

• TOLIMA: Anzoátegui, Herveo, Líbano and Santa Isabel

• SANTANDER: El Carmen de Chucurí and Macaravita

• NARIÑO: Colón, Belén and La Cruz.

] • META: Villavicencio and Fuente de Oro

• THE GUAJIRA: Hatonuevo

• CESAR: Copey

• CALDAS: Philadelphia

• BOYACÁ: Garagoa, Zetaquirá and Páez.

• HUILA: Suaza and Giant

• CUNDINAMARCA: Beltran, El Peñón, Guayabetal, Pandi, Pasca, Puli, Sasaima, Sesquilé, Utica, Vergara and Viani.

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