Appeal to the CSJ against the Truth Commission in the Ayotzinapa case


The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) admitted for the treatment of applications for faculty of attraction, promoted in extraordinary appeals, submitted by the Federal Government against the establishment of the Truth Commission for the Iguala Affair .

The minister president, Luis María Aguilar Morales, informed the Third Unitari Tribunal or that he had received requests for power of attraction and that he forwarded them to the first chamber to decide whether they are going or not.

"The agreement of July 12, 2018 of the President of the Supreme Court of Justice Nation in Mexico City, in the exercise application of faculty d 39; attraction 494/2018, by which informs that said request was surrendered to the first chamber of this High Court so that to determine if it is appropriate sun bring to this court the original acts of the trial of the guarantees in which it acts and the extraordinary appeals filed by various organs of the state ", said the judge of the Third Unitary Court in the case of the amparo of Salvador" R "El Wereke"

According to court records, the report of the minister-president was also sent in the amparo proceedings sponsored by Felipe "R" "El Cepillo", Miguel Ángel "L" and Gildardo "L" "El Gil "

In his report, Aguilar Morales ordered the suspension of the revision process

"He also suspended the processing and resolution of extraordinary appeals that could have been sent to the first college tribunal. of the Nineteenth Circuit which knew the call of the revision 204/2017 as long as the first chamber of this High Court decides on the demand raised ", replied the magi

If the members of the First Chamber decide to attract the resources that, according to federal sources up to now, count more than 40, the Supreme Court of the country will decide to create or not a Commission of Truth as ordered by the first college court of the nineteenth circuit

This commission, according to the four amparos granted to some of the persons implicated in the disappearance of the forty-three missing of Ayotzinapa must be composed of the families of the victims, the personnel of the National Commission of Human Rights (CNDH) and the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Prosecutor General's Office (PGR).

For its operation, the judges of the Collegiate called the President of the Republic and the members of the Congress of the Union to provide the necessary structural and budgetary facilities.

To date, the first college tribunal has dismissed 43 appeals filed by the federal government and relying on a jurisprudence that even the Supreme Court may amend or revoke its resolutions.


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