Approved Constitutional Reform Project – Cubajournalists


The National Assembly of People's Power unanimously approved this Sunday, at the close of the first ordinary session of the Ninth Legislature and after two intense and intense days of badysis, the project constitutional reform.

Estaban Lazo Hernández, president of the ANPP, put to the vote the approval of the draft law of the Constitution of the Republic with the modifications agreed upon during its badysis, and the agreements that were taken.

Similarly, it was approved that the popular consultation of the draft law on the Constitution of the Republic, from 13 August to 15 November this year.

This discussion has great value, as well as the quality with which it was worked, said Lazo Hernández, It is helpful to introduce our people to the discussion that will take place in the coming months, he added.

In pronouncing the last words of the session, the Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel underlined the historical context in which this Assembly took place, during which the new Council of Ministers was presented and the draft Constitution of the Republic was discussed.

He also said that from this same place Three months ago, he badumed the presidency of the Republic, post also played by Fidel and Raúl, two men who are the very story of the Revolution.

All efforts seem insignificant in the face of the prowess of these first years of the Revolution. But we could, he added that this is what we are looking for with the profound reform of our Constitution, that the institutionality be strengthened with the participation of all.

We debated in several sessions, with a heated debate, criticism and contributor, the Draft Constitution. The work of the Commission in charge of preparing the Constitution, presided over by the Army General, was recognized. "In the coming days, the comrades charged with accompanying the popular consultation process will be selected and added that it is now up to us and to the educational and training institutions that our children, adolescents and young people investigate the history of the Constitutions and let the people become familiar with the law of laws.

Speaking of the integration of the new Council of Ministers, Diaz-Canel said that he had to present the renewal of the Council of Ministers, they keep colleagues of great trajectory and incorporate others with great capacity.The rest of the government and the comrades who ratify their positions demonstrate continuity, he added

He congratulated all those who were promoted or ratified and recognized those who were relieved of their duties to take on other tasks of the national economy, said that he closed with a Cro 1.1% and that a tense situation is maintained in external finances, due to several factors related to tourism, drought, heavy rains and delays in the arrival of raw materials [19659002] "This situation forces us to ensure control measures in the 2018 Plan, aimed at working more accurately in terms of imports. To achieve this, we must use the efficient use of available resources, guaranteeing basic services, "he said.

In these circumstances, the effort must be multiplied. We must draw an objective and sustainable plan for the economy for 2019, but that does not give up on economic growth.

The Council of Ministers will surrender entirely to the people and the revolution, with a style of collective leadership. We will encourage the practice of a style of work that eliminates bureaucratic mechanisms and conducts the systematic verification of development programs, health, innovation … We will maintain and at the same time demand a continued battle against corruption, illegalities and social indiscipline

Nothing will be easy, because the main obstacle to our development, the blockade with its extraterritorial obstacles, is still there, but with our history, we can not that insist, fight and fight, until the victory always concluded. ] window .___ gcfg = {lang: -fr-US & # 39;
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