Argentine beef conquers the world: exports could grow 180% in 10 years – 24/07/2018


The Argentine breeding chain now looks at the horizon with ambition and without obstacles. Over the next ten years, meat exports could grow and grow by 180%, with a turning point in the revolution in China – which is already the main customer of local refrigerators – where it accelerates the consumption of meat protein by the expansion of the middle clbad and economic development.

"Beef exports could rise from 312 000 tonnes in 2017 to 870 000 tonnes in 2027, a real shock positive exports " project Raul Milano, executive director of Rosgan (livestock market television Rosario Stock Exchange), and Julio Calzada, director of information and economic studies of the entity.

The estimate comes from what the main operators and protagonists of the sector think, but there are two external agencies that also project a strong growth of Argentine meat exports.

  Half of the cuts Exports to Argentina are already going to the Chinese market

Half of the reductions that Argentina is already exporting go to the Chinese market.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA, for its acronym in English) argues that the Argentine chain will ship abroad some 512,000 tons (85% of plus) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), together with FAO, expects Argentina to export some 622,000 tons by 2027 (a further 107%)

Meat production in the country would also increase by almost 30% in the next ten years, from 2,842,000 tonnes to 3,661,000 tonnes, with 10% growth in domestic consumption (which would rise 2,530,000 to 2,789,000 tons that would eat Argentineans in 2027).

The market that will stimulate the demand World Beef is the Asian giant . "China already accounts for more than 50% of Argentine exports and there is huge potential to position itself as a supplier of high quality meat, with excellent prices," say Milano and Calzada

. , 6 kilos of meat per year per person and in ten years would consume 8,1 kilos . They are two kilos more in the largest market in the world, with 1.300 million inhabitants

<img clbad = "lazyload" itemprop = "image" src = " collections / static / lazy_square.svg "data-big =" "data-small =" 09/22 / SyxESWQjZ_720x0.jpg "alt =" The meat chain is one of the sectors that generates the most jobs in the interior of Santa Fe, Córdoba and Buenos Aires.The chain of meat is one of the sectors that generates the most jobs in the interior of Santa Fe, Córdoba and Buenos Aires. meat is one of the sectors that generates the most jobs in the interior of Santa Fe, Córdoba and Buenos Aires.

"More than 90% of the meat imported by China is frozen and boned, and remains ] a small niche of fresh meat of great value that is now in Australia, New Zealand and the United States ", says the study. this year, Argentina has achieved the opening of this m strategic arche for chilled and bone-in meat, the first step towards selling the most interesting cuts. , Australia, the United States and New Zealand are best placed in the high-quality segment; and Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay are the "big players" in selling meat for the industry. Last year, the Chinese imported 688,000 tons, which would represent more than one million tons in ten years . The challenge for the Argentine production chain is to capture a significant share of this increased demand in the People's Republic of China