Art Gala on China and Cuba, a demonstration of the historical ties of friendship



Image of July 14, 2018 from Cuban artists, performing at the "La noche de Shanghai" party, Havana, Cuba .

A cultural gala with artists from the Chinese province of Shanghai served as a pretext to bring together this Saturday China and Cuba, two nations that continue to strengthen their bonds of friendship, said the member of the Bureau Communist Party policy, Mercedes López Acea

In exclusive statements to Xinhua, the Cuban political leader thanked the visit to Havana made by a delegation from that Asian country, led by Li Qiang, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (PCCh) and Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal CPC Committee

"China is the country we admire, respect, learn from and always expect these bonds of solidarity and solidarity. strengthening our relations politically "The Chinese delegation is in Cuba to participate in the XXIV meeting of the Sao Paulo Forum, a meeting where also attend more than a hundred of e parties and progressive social movements in Latin America and Europe, in a joint effort to articulate strategies for the integration of the left around the world.

"This (the presence of China) ratifies this decision continue to do all that is possible in cooperation, friendship, exchanges and debates to really progress in a better world where human beings aspire to a better quality of life based on humanism, "he said.


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