Art Gala with the flavor of Boricua in Santiago de Cuba


By Leydis Tbadé Magaña / Special for El Nuevo Día

Santiago de Cuba – With a great artistic gala, as it is traditional, today began edition 38 of Caribbean Festival in the city of Santiago de Cuba, which will host until Monday the meeting, dedicated to this occasion in Puerto Rico.

Orlando Vergés, director of the House of the Caribbean, institution santiaguera that calls the celebration, underlined the strong historical and cultural links between Borinquen and greater of the Antilles, "the islands to the people of which the native blood, Spanish and African, twin islands in love. "

Vergés emphasized the cultural resistance of "The Island of Enchantment", and places it as an international reference for Caribbean spiritual wealth, "what nothing and no one will be able to wrest".

When the festival was officially inaugurated, Vergés exclaimed: "Get out of old shoes!" and summoned Solt. The joy, in direct reference to the memorable song of the Puerto Rican Ismael Rivera, and that came as a glove to invoke the emotions and feelings of the 700 or so participants in the festival, including nearly 300 from the Puerto Rican nation.

The embrace of the cultures of the two peoples constituted the inaugural spectacle, in which the dancers and sounders converged, like the typical Puerto Rican bomba, in the style of the Tambuyé group, and the tasty Cuban son who was shaking the main hall of the Teatro Heredia, of the city of Santiago, and where the gala was held

The special moment of the show, which put the whole public on its feet, was the presentation of the section for children of the Steel Band of Santiago de Compostela. El Cobre, who made dance with a particular version of the song "Anda, Fri, and Muevete", of the "train of Cuban music", Los Van Van.

Other groups and artists of Santiago de Cuba they made talent in the "Heredia", among them the soloist Zulema Iglesias, whose voice did not only the interpretation of the emblematic song "reciosa" , from the fatherhood of Puerto Rican Rafael Hernández, but a song that became a hymn for the Borinqueños The first day of the "Fiesta del Fuego", as also called the festival, the Honduran researcher and anthropologist Rafael Murillo Selva Rendón has received the Casa del Caribe International Prize and the Mpaka, object of African religiosity identifies the award, which reveres the contribution of people and institutions to the exaltation of the culture of the region.

The Gala was also attended by Edwin González, delegate of the Puerto Rico Mission to Cuba; Milagros Rivera, president of the Committee of Solidarity with Cuba in the Puerto Rican nation, the governmental authorities of the province of Santiago, as well as notable artists and intellectuals.

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