Art in La Rampa: for spiritual enrichment or for consumption?


Always full of people, the Cuban Pavilion is becoming one of the most popular sites among the many cultural options of the summer scene.

Photo: Radio Reloj

Like every summer, the Cuban Culture Fair, Art in La Rampa which takes place in the Cuban Pavilion of El Vedado, opened its doors with a big influx of people who come there for the satisfaction of various needs.

Organized by the Fund of Cuban Cultural Property, the Hermanos Saíz Association (AHS) and with the contribution of other institutions such as ARTEX, EGREM, Casa de las Américas, the Genesis Gallery, the Cuban Institute of Books, the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television and the Cuban Institute of Art and Cinematographic Industries, this space aims an integrality in the cultural promotion to which a great attention is devoted between the months of July and September.

Always full of people, the Pavilion Cuba dev It has one of the most popular places among the many options that the Cuban State devotes to the celebration of the summer.

At Arte en La Rampa you can find almost everything: ceramic products, metal, metal, costume jewelry, glbad, skin, prints, ornamentals, textiles, shoes and furniture.

A space that must always work because consumption does not go beyond cultural enrichment.

Photo: Tomada cubasi .cu

But there are also books, records, concerts of the most important figures of Cuban musical life and even reproductions of artistic works at reasonable prices which are not always bought with aesthetic intentions.

Cuba yes, last year these framed paintings were acquired several times to reuse frames, good and with anti-reflective crystals and which cost much less than in institutions. where the framing function is executed.

It is unfortunate that the efforts made to offer the public an opportunity to access culture in a series of events that should become essential in cultural terms, fail to attract the badistants to the Fair to the same extent as utilitarian consumer objects.

There is no doubt that the artisbad manifestations that appear in Art in The Ramp can also be considered artistic given their aesthetic quality and the good work of Cuban artisans

But from that point on, the fact that the Fair becomes a place of consumption and not recreation that contributes to spiritual enrichment, there is a great extent.

Music is perhaps the only manifestation that leads them to agglutinate in the Cuban pavilion a large number of people who can not access the presentations of the great artists who parade through their Central Scenario [19659015] The plastic work of Cuban creators within reach of the pockets

However, I think it should be the same with the books or with the photography and painting exhibitions that take place every year at the Central Gallery .

For children, Arte en La Rampa is presented as a place that, thanks to screenings, video games and recreational activities, helps to make the Fair a space for training and healthy recreation.

Adults are not only interested in utilitarian consumption, but also in the different options offered by the Pavilion in an affordable and easy way.

How to achieve it? This is a question for sociologists and specialists of the institutions that organize Art in La Rampa.

For now, the Fair is a space that must always work because consumption does not exceed the opportunity for cultural enrichment. That this offer represents …

Overall, Arte en La Rampa is something necessary that needs to be maintained and perfected even if only for those who attend to combine their utilitarian interests with options that go beyond the mere acquisition of dresses. , wallets and shoes. (2018)

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