Arte Magazine for Excelencias, the Cuban arrived at the Kennedy Center – Radio Santa Cruz


Sancti Spíritus, Cuba, July 6 – The magazine Arte por Excelencia, a multicultural publication of Latin America and the Caribbean, covers the island today with its two most recent issues dedicated to work of Cuban artists at the Kennedy Center. [19659002] Number 39, launched in this central city, includes in its pages personalities such as the mythical Alicia Alonso and Omara Portuondo, special guests at the Cuban Arts: From the Island to the World, event held in Washington, DC in May and June last.

The publication traveled to the US capital, where for the first time in history more than 400 Cuban artists gathered for nearly a month, with the goal of presenting their work to the American public .

corresponding to the months of May and June also includes the work, among others, of the Van Van orchestra or the painter Rafael Mendive, Alexis Triana, his publisher, told Prensa Latina.

The companies of Irene Rodríguez and Malpaso also appear, A unique contemporary style guest at the rendezvous, as well as the work of the plastic artist Roberto Diago or ensemble Argos Teatro, has commented the director of communication of the Ministry of Culture

According to Triana, the number reaches a special significance up to Sancti Spíritus, located about 360 kilometers east of Havana, since it includes a artistic dossier of the photographer of the State of Chiapas, Lisandra López.

"For us it was C & # 39; was good news to know that we could include this selection because critics and the public were surprised by this work that a doctor built with his own work equipment.

In this way, the people of Sancti Spiritus were also at the Kennedy Center, "I was struck by the way he proposes and takes pictures of the women's world, with the badumption of codes of the female universe and how it returns them, "he added. He pointed out that Triana also announced the presentation of numbers 39 and 40 in eastern Cuba, the latter being dedicated in particular to the Caribbean Festival, which takes place in Santiago de Cuba, and to Puerto Rico, a guest country. at the event.

We are on our way to Santiago, at the Caribbean Festival, and we will also present it at Casa de la Nacionalidad in Bayamo, in Gibara, home of the Poor Film Festival and we will end in the capital of the province. It is said that the magazine is a bimonthly publication of the Excelencias group, which focuses on contemporary arts events and their various manifestations in the Caribbean and the Americas. (PL)

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