Assaults on bishops and the desecration of a temple cloud dialogue in Nicaragua


(EFE) .- The physical aggression suffered by bishops Monday in a basilica in the Nicaraguan city of Diriamba has dismayed the country and blurred the national dialogue with which it is hoped to overcome the crisis in which they died at least 320 people

In addition to the aggression against Nicaraguan Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes and the Apostolic Nuncio, Stanislaw Waldemar Sommertag, among others, perpetrated by a vigilante group related to the government of Daniel Ortega, a Catholic temple of the city of Jinotepe (Pacific was desecrated by another group of "paramilitaries".

The Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua, mediator and witness of the national dialogue, suspended Monday the working tables created to overcome the crisis in the country in Due to the aggression suffered by the religious

The episcopate had summoned to the verification and security table on Monday, as well as at the electoral table, but not to justice, to resume the dialogue, however chose to postpone the two tables

The episcopate had quoted Monday the table of verification and security, as well as the electoral table, but not the justice, to take again the dialogue, but opted for postponement of the two working tables after the events of Diriamba

On Monday, a self-defense group violently broke into the Basilica of San Sebastian and attacked several bishops and journalists, including the Apostolic Nuncio, Cardinal Brenes and Bishop Silvio Báez

The Bishops traveled to Diriamba, 42 kilometers south of Managua, to secure the release of a group of nurses and Franciscan missionaries besieged by the parapolices of the temple.

The attack was perpetrated after a delegation. of the Catholic Church, accompanied by the Nicaraguan Association for Human Rights (ANPHD), will enter the central square of Diriamba, whose basilica was surrounded by a 200 paramilitary to hood and paragliders, as well as dozens of heavily armed police and some of them also face covered.

"We felt this action, hard, strong and brutal against our priests, we had never seen anything like it in Nicaragua and it is really sad."

When the ecclesiastical delegation arrived uniformed officers disappeared to make room for hundreds of hooded civilians and supporters of President Ortega

a hard, strong and brutal action against our priests, and we have never seen anything like this before. Nicaragua and it's really sad, "said Brenes, also archbishop of Managua, after officiating a prayer at the Metropolitan Cathedral

" We went to parishes not to do violence but to comfort our priests. To accompany them in suffering, we have received this aggression and we have all suffered for Christ, "said Brenes.

The episcopate also denounced that a Catholic temple in the city of Jinotepe (Pacific) had been desecrated by a group of paramilitaries

"Today afternoon, the paramilitary forces Desecrated the temple and attacked the priests Jalder Hernández and Eliseo Hernández in the parish of Santiago in Jinotepe The Lord has pity on fools and lunatics! "Denounces the Episcopal Conference

What counts the least, c & 39 what they did against us today, the blows and injuries that I have suffered … people, and today more than ever the Church will be at sides of people, those who do not have a voice, those who do not have the strength to ask for help.

– Silvio José Báez (@silviojbaez) July 10 2018

These two events are part of the wave of violence triggered by the crackdown on demonstrations against President Ortega, who have made at least 320 dead, according to the ANPDH.

Amnesty International (AI) denounces the action of joint agents and parapolice groups to attack the Nicaraguan civilian population, now including the bishops, in a crackdown that felt that it has reached levels deplorable

"Self-defense groups are armed, ac Accompanied by police forces, she jointly criticized the director of the Americas AI, Erika Guevara, in a written statement sent to Efe. 19659002] The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (Acnudh) declared the Ortega government responsible for serious violations of human rights.

AI: "The vigilante groups are at their best, heavily armed, accompanied by corps the police commits joint attacks against the civilian population"

The IACHR reported "murders, extrajudicial executions areas, ill-treatment, possible acts of torture and arbitrary detentions against the predominantly young population of the country ". that the Government of Nicaragua rejects.

The Vice President of Nicaragua, Rosario Murillo, said today that his government has not established terrorism, nor violence, nor death in the country.

"With what cynicism can some people speak of destruction and torture as if it were the work of others and not their own work? With what cynicism?" Said the first lady in a message by the official media.

In a statement, the government announced that it will discuss a proposal for "democratization" presented in the dialogue only if it is resolved in advance "very serious problem of terrorism." [19659002] ___________________________________________________________________________

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