At the Congress of Fire with convictions and flag


Alberto González receives the Cuban flag. Photo: Gerardo Mayet Cruz

By Casandra Almira Maqueira

The Delegation of the Island of Youth to the IX Congress of the University Student Federation is ready for its big event, which takes place this weekend at Havana

] The delegation of the Island of Youth to the IX Congress of the University Students' Federation (Fire) is ready for its big event, which is celebrated this weekend in Havana.

With a flag in his hand and full of emotions Alberto Luis González Fonseca, president of the Fire in Medical Sciences here, was seen on Tuesday, representing the pinera delegation who will attend the big event and also the delegates of the Jesús Montané Oropesa University.

National was presented at a ceremony held at the Municipal Museum and chaired by Arelis Casañola Quintana, deputy to the Cuban Parliament and President of the Municipal Assembly of People's Power; Idalmis López Pardo, member of the Executive Bureau of the Municipal Party Committee; Bárbaro Pérez Revé, first secretary of the Union of Young Communists (UJC) here, and other authorities of the territory.

Yanet Correa Llorca, on behalf of the university students, conveyed a message of commitment with the Revolution and its island: in this year it will celebrate the 40th anniversary of its proclamation as "Isla de la Juventud and will reaffirm, moreover, that Cuban youth are a continuity and we will never miss him at the big house that is the University, nor to Commander-in-Chief Fidel undefeated "

Before the report, the delegates participated in visits to centers of economic and social interest in the territory, shared with the highest authorities of the Government and Party, the addresses of the two universities, with the fighters and former leaders of the before their departure, the boys expressed the conviction that the process of the IX Congress has made them rethink the operation of the youngest organization in Cuba, which is not 95 years old, must lose the. play spirit ness and renewal that has always distinguished it.

Photo: Gerardo Mayet Cruz
Photo: Gerardo Mayet Cruz

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