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In the East, a drink is prepared to celebrate births, she calls aliñao with the help of friends and from parents who come to the house to find out about newborns. A bottle is buried or kept in a dark place until the girl reaches the age of 15 and the young man turns 18 … then, with the parents, celebrate life with the birth liquor from which this name takes its name. the arts that began in Granma last Friday and will end Sunday night when Ivette Cepeda's concert will take place and the theater will already be full.
In Bayamo, in The House of Cuban Nationality, in Manzanillo and the birthplace of Raúl Torres, also offered for this EVENT that was born, for Cuba, Cubans and the arts.
The Festival of Aliñao was born at the initiative of Raúl Torres under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and the Cuban Institute of Music. He also has full political and governmental support for the territory, which the promoter thanked during the opening day.
This first edition boasts of its participants with new and established artists such as Vania Borges, Martha Campos, Lynn Milanes, Kelvis Ochoa, Silvio Raul, Pancho Amat, Orman Cala and other exceptional creators from Granma and abroad. The original of Manzanillo will also be present.
Concerts, parades, workshops, Cuban folk music dances and troubadour downloads can be enjoyed in Bayamo, Manzanillo and the popular councils of Mabay and Julia, where since the ancient craft and industrial factory
The meeting is dedicated to Wilfredo (Pachy) Naranjo, director of Orquesta Típica de Manzanillo, National Award for Music and Youth and Colibrí label for his work in preserving the most authentic of our music.
From now on The Aliñao holiday will have an annual character, it will be a new foot for Cuban culture, a kind of offspring born under the protection of the art and traditions in this fertile land beginnings. 19659009]
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