Attacks intensify in four cities of Nicaragua


Protesters opposed to the government of Daniel Ortega reported armed attacks in four cities in Nicaragua, where they maintain barricades in the midst of high tension and after three months of protests that claimed the lives of at least 350 people.

They register in the towns of Diria, Diriomo, Masaya and Niquinohomo, southeast of Nicaragua, where civil forces block road access to these places in protest against the Ortega government, according to leaders of these movements and civil society.

Protestants shared photos and videos on social networks where the so-called "combined forces" of the government, made up of police, riot police, paramilitaries and paramilitaries, see civilians shoot at barricades. 19659004] According to the same, the government executes the so-called "cleaning operation", which consists of removing roadblocks with shovels, trucks and state workers, under the protection of "combined forces", which are mobilized on board all-terrain vans.

The government has accused of having exercised terrorism, create insecurity and act violently against "those who have proposed to change the legal and constitutional order via roadblocks, where it There was "violence, torture and abduction"

in a statement "that as a state and government legitimately constituted and based on the Political Constitution and the Laws of the Republic, "has" the duty to defend security, peace, the right to life and the exercise of the fundamental rights of all Nicaraguans. "And this includes" the right to free movement of persons, vehicles and goods throughout the national territory. "

Protests against Ortega began on April 18 for failed social security reforms and became a claim which demands the resignation of the president, after 11 years in power, with accusations of abuse and corruption against him.


Aggression prevents dialogue: bishops

Bishops Catholics in Nicaragua have questioned the willingness of President Daniel Ortega, whose resignation is claimed in the midst of a long and bloody crisis, that police and paramilitaries have besieged more than 200 entrenched students during the weekend. end at the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN), in a violent attack that left two dead and 14 wounded.

After about 20 hours of terror, ] management of the Catholic Church allowed the young people to leave the temple of Divine Mercy, where they took refuge when they were shot at UNAN in southwestern Managua [19659003] The government must sincerely dialogue and seek real processes that will lead us to a true democracy, repeatedly refusing to approach the program of democratization, "said a Catholic bishop in a statement.

The Nicaraguan Episcopal Conference is an executive mediator and opposition Civic Alliance, looking for a solution to the crisis that is living the country with a wave of protests in demand for exit of The Power of Ortega

The Bishops have proposed to advance the elections from 2021 to 2019 to accelerate the withdrawal of Ortega, but the President rejected this possibility


EU considers government violence "deplorable"

The European Union (EU) has described the attacks on students and civilians in Nicaragua as "deplorable" and urged the authorities to "guarantee security of the population, "in addition to calling for an end to the violence.

The violence against students and civilians in Nicaragua, as well as the delay in the emergency medical badistance to the wounded, is deplorable, "said Federica Mogherini, spokesperson for the High Representative the Union for Foreign Affairs

In this sense, he badured that the 28 countries that form the EU expect the Nicaraguan authorities that they "guarantee the security of the population and the respect fundamental rights "

You must stop now. We reiterate our call for a peaceful and democratic solution of the situation in the country as part of the national dialogue," the spokesman added.


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