Average Venezuelan oil tanker $ 65.41 per barrel | AmericaEconomy


Caracas.- The price of Venezuelan oil averaged $ 65.41 during the week of July 16-20, or $ 1.9 less per barrel than the previous week, reported today. The Venezuelan Ministry of Petroleum.

The average to date in July is US $ 66.81 for every barrel of Venezuelan oil, the Ministry of Petroleum added on its website.

The average price of the Venezuelan gross week is the US dollar. For the second consecutive week, Venezuela experienced a slight decline in the price of its crude oil

The average price of Venezuelan oil was US $ 57.6 in April, US $ 62.5 in May and US $ 62.5. US dollars. , June 3rd.

For its part, the basket of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC basket) averaged US $ 71.01 per barrel during the week of the 16th. July 20, US $ 3.48 less than the previous week.

North Sea Brent oil also declined by US $ 3.42 per b The average price of the Venezuelan oil basket is US $ 59 compared to the previous week, from US $ 76.38 at US $ 72.96 per barrel.

2 dollars, above the 2017 average price.

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