Azucareros tuneros speed up repairs, grind early


  In Zafarrancho, repair of sugar mills in Las Tunas / Photo:

In Zafarrancho repair of sugar mills in Las Tunas / Photo:

By Roger Aguilera

Las Tunas , July 23 (ACN) Workers at the four sugar factories in Las Tunas province who will participate in the 2018-19 harvest are mbadively involved in the repair process to prepare their industry as quickly as possible and start grinding at an early stage.

] Communities of the different zones of the sugar factories Antonio Guiteras, Majibacoa, Amancio Rodriguez and Colombia, left part of their holidays so that the territory could manufacture 30 thousand tons of sugar in the so-called small harvest.

Julio García Pedraza, director of the Sugar Company of Las Tunas, maintains that the colossus Antonio Guiteras and the Majibacoa, the youngest of the center of the territory, with 31 years of harvest, will be launched in coming, while the " Amancio Rodríguez "will do this in December and" Colombia "in January 2019.

After completing the cleaning, diagnosis and maintenance of the equipment, repairs were initiated in the factories, but Adalberto Turruelles, Specialist of the Candy Tunas, at the Cuban News Agency

In places where it is detected that there are no wear problems, they will be taken into account. account to avoid the repair process, which will speed up the work and will have enough time to test empty and loaded machines, meant Turruelles.

These repairs, less than in previous periods, are also related to the fact that the plants did not work the expected time in the previous campaign because of excessive rains throughout the month of January and a part of the faith brero, april and may

This meant that the mills were not completely delivered and therefore the machines did not suffer from excessive exploitation; although that's with the negative consequence of stopping the manufacturing of the 40 thousand tons planned.

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