Bacchetta maintains that Nicanor can go to EBY by agreement


Bacchetta does not doubt the capacity of Duarte Frutos, of whom his coloradism and his leadership stand out. He said that there would be no impediment once there will be figures for the Senate to accept that Nicanor take the binational. "Why could not I be the general manager of Entidad Binacional Yacyretá (EBY)?", He asked.

Nicanor's confession to Añetete is that he does not want to give up his bank because he "was elected and proclaimed".

Bacchetta hailed the leadership of Duarte Frutos, who, although he left office more than ten years ago in the last internal red with his own list, got more than 75,000 votes.

The opposition to Duarte Frutos the next holder of the Binational Entity Yacyretá (EBY) comes from his own party.

The Chartist Bank objected all last week that Duarte Frutos is exchanging the opportunity to swear as a senator for a position that they offer him. As Senator Javier Zacarías Irún pointed out, he asks to decide "all or nothing"

. On the other hand, the opposition has criticized the fact that Marito shows signs of wanting to manipulate binationals as a political booty. 19659007] [ad_2]
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