The beginning of the school year involves changes at home because after the summer break, where children's schedules often become more flexible, it's time to get back into the routine. In the first place, it is essential that boys respect the moment of sleep (at least eight hours of rest) to play during the school day and have the energy and courage to learn.
Another central point is the hygiene habitsthis should happen at home to go to school. It is essential that children understand that they should wash their hands before eating and after using the toilet to prevent the transmission of diseases.
Regarding health, Cecilia Avancini, pediatrician and head of the pediatric department of Vittal, recommended to review the vaccination book with the family doctor. And specified that children from 5 to 6 years (entry into primary) should receive three vaccines: Sabin, Triple Viral and Triple Bacterial, a dose of reinforcement necessary for the body to generate defenses against polio, measles , rubella, mumps (mumps), diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus. All these vaccines are free and mandatory.
In turn, "the 11-year-old boys should apply a booster of the triple cell-free bacteria to ensure immunity against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus, as well as the human papillomavirus vaccine for girls and boys in the purpose of preventing cervical cancer and other cancers of the anobad localization, "said the specialist, who pointed out that "With regard to vaccination against hepatitis B, hepatitis A and triple virus, it is necessary to check on the vaccination record if previous doses have been received to complete the vaccination schedule. ".
In addition, it is necessary to carry out ophthalmological checks to ensure good academic performance and dental examinations, for good oral health, which must be accompanied by an inducement to the habit of brushing teeth by parents or guardians.
"Health professionals insist on the importance of good nutrition both inside and outside the home, so we recommend that students eat healthy foods and remind them to eat. adults that breakfast is essential for young children in the hours that follow, "added Avancini, who pointed out that children have high nutritional needs because they are in a phase of growth and development; it is therefore recommended to combine foods from different groups to provide all the nutrients they need, such as meat and eggs, dairy products (cheeses, yogurts and desserts), fruits and vegetables, cereals, legumes and derivatives.
According to the expert, there are simple ways to integrate these products. "In the case of fruits, the easiest to carry are banana and well washed apple to serve as a dessert. To add more vegetables, a good tip is to add to lettuce and tomato sandwiches, or raw or cooked vegetable toppings to accompany the recommended meat. In addition, zucchini, spinach or potatoes can be eaten as cakes or tortillas. Sending a small bottle of water is just as important as thinking of healthy snacks containing low fat and sugar (cereal bars, peanut nougat, raisins or dried fruits). "
When it comes to backpack badembly, the key choice is to avoid disturbance and inconvenience.. "For this, the height of it should not exceed the shoulders of the child who will wear it seated and the width should not be greater than his shoulders." The weight of the load must not exceed 10% of the weight of the load. weight of the student, "he advised.
To prevent pediculosis, a disease that affects a large part of the child population during the school year, the specialist recommended to parents "to maintain a constant preventive behavior, by checking the head and regularly pbading the comb fine ". "To avoid contagion, it is recommended to girls to attend clbades with their hair picked up and if spread could not be avoided, it is necessary to use products indicated by the pediatrician", a- he declared.
Finally, the specialist pointed out that What boys do physical activity at least three times a week and that they have a play space, because the game helps with learning, growth and social integration.
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