Back to Venezuela | 9th step previous, everything seems to be defined in favor of Spreafico


Today the race is not so difficult in its 187-kilometer course

Gradually the end is approaching. The Vuelta in Venezuela 2018 will complete its penultimate trip. Today will be the ninth stage, a distance that will take us from Ocumare del Tuy, Miranda to Valencia, capital of the state of Carabobo. East of 187 kilometers in total flat terrain with some difficulties, only one mountain price is presented in the Yuma Altos at kilometer 152, category "C".

The 2018 edition of the Vuelta a Venezuela begins to take its last pedals

This penultimate stage of the race will serve to define sprints, mountain prices among other modalities and where can be presented runners who have not yet figured. But as for the movement of the individual general ranking, we believe that it is already practically definite) unless something unexpected happens in favor of Androni Giacattoli who showed a strong leader. like Matteo Spreafico who with his difference he has on his nearest rivals could reach him so that tomorrow lights up the trophy which accredits him as the new champion of Vuelta has Venezuela. Suddenly, there are those who think that what is said here is too daring when there are still two steps, which is respectable. But it is that this badysis is based on what has been seen so far. Since Matteo Spreafico took the lead in the Guanare chrono, his team Androni Giacottoli and his sporting director, Gianni Savio, managed to manage the situation and almost perfectly controlled the race, to their measure. As much as the people of Gobernación de Miranda, who have José Alarcón, Leonel Quintero and Ángel Rivas with their maximum exhibitors in the overall standings, or Anderson Paredes Team Ecuador third in the list, it's hard to pull off the leadership and the title Spreafico's team supported him, they took care of it and they were able to respond whenever they were claimed by their rivals. Already at this moment everyone starts to take care of what you avoid any flicker that leads them to lose everything.

The most demanding stages of the Vuelta have been abandoned, have been little used to overthrow the leader, in San Vicente, nor in Morón, nor in Charallave yesterday either.

A very "wise" technician

The night of this Thursday we were discussing with Androni's strategist, Gianni Savio, about the possibility of getting his sixth star in Vuelta, Venezuela, and for the first time we have heard that he sees with "more clarity" the possibility of obtaining his diploma. "We arrived in Venezuela with the intention of being animators, protagonists and giving a good show, this is part of our working philosophy.For circumstance of racing we managed to be in two occasions of leader, the first with Matteo Maluceli and now with Matteo Spreafico, with him things went to give us better, this thanks to the joint work that we did with our strategy day after day, in this one must go to work every day You can not in a race like this claim to maintain a strategy throughout the competition, we have varied according to the situation.Luckily everything went well, in the San stage. Vicente who was the hardest person we had defended, Spreafico without being a natural climber as I already told you knew how to solve the difficulty of the climb.When I saw that they not e could not hurt him by going back, that's when I really started planning the possibility of being champions, and if things go on like this, it is very likely that on Saturday we will celebrate a sixth championship from Vuelta to Venezuela. Today, I see the clearest things. For the moment, in these two remaining stages, we will be attentive and see what the opposites present. Now we must have a lot of wisdom, be calm, always on the lookout. "

Like these words, Gianni Savio has said everything.Now that he has a large part of the profits in his pocket, he will surely not let him down.

Gianni Savio with his philosophy of work is on the point of celebrating its sixth star

The Scene [19659003] The penultimate station of this Vuelta in Venezuela 2018 moves the caravan of Ocumare del Tuy, state of Miranda to Valencia, capital of the city of Valencia. Carabobo state.This will be a totally flat course of 187 kilometers, where appears only a small slope for a category "C" mountain port when there is Completes the pace of Yuma's Stop about 35 kilometers from the goal located in front of the Arturo Michelena Airport of Valencia.There will be three sprints, only one will be eligible.

A DATO [19659013] The last time the Venezuela Vuelta touched the territory of Ocumare del Tuy was in the 2001 edition, at c this opportunity she ran between Valera and Ocumare, that is to say, unlike today will be, were 130 kilometers and won the King of Packaging, the man of record of the stages won in the Vuelta (60) Gil Cordoves defend the colors of Triple Gordo Trujillo.


Orden of Llagada

1- Carlos Linares Amusement Venezuela Country of the Future 4:54:19

2- Orluis Aular Governing Miranda 3 sec

3- Cristian Pita Team Ecuador 3sec

4- Miguel Ubeto Fun. Venezuela Country of the Future 3sec

5- Clever Martínez Government Carabobo 3sec

Individual General

1- Matteo Spreafico Androni Giocattoli 30:45:14

2 – José Alarcón Miranda Governorate at 1 "16

3- Anderson's Wall Team Ecuador at 1" 44 [19659003] 4- Leonel Quintero Miranda's Governance at 1 "47

5- Ángel Rivas Gobierno Miranda at 3 06

START, 10am

Ocumare del Tuy, State of Miranda

Ocumare del Tuy, State of Tomás Lander Municipality of Miranda in Venezuela, East the region known as Valles del Tuy.It has a population of 144,459 inhabitants in 2011. It is one of the main cities of the area and with Charallave and Cúa, they are part of the area. metropolitan Tuy valleys.It is characterized by one of the most important industrial areas of the country, which is the seat of various products such as Ron Pampero and the tomato sauce of the same name. In the city is the general hospital of the Tuy valleys, which is the largest in the region, also here the metropolitan airport, which hosts private flights, its main means of communication with the rest of the country is the modern highway that communicates with Charallave.


The territory of Ocumare was occupied by Caribbean tribes in the pre-Columbian era. During the colony, many cocoa farms were established here. In 1775, there was a large smuggling of cocoa in the area. The lieutenant of justice explained the reasons: the state of abandonment in which the hacendados had their slaves, who were forced to steal products to sell them, the malice of the sellers of saddlebags who sold on credit to the slaves from the haciendas and finally aguardiente, which plunged the people in a fatal addiction.

In 1810, Ocumare del Tuy already had 4692 inhabitants2. There were a large number of slaves, but also groups of Spanish and Canarian immigrants.


Valencia prepares to receive the Vuelta Venezuela where tomorrow falls the curtain

Valencia, State of Carabobo

Valencia (officially New Valencia del Rey, later renamed Notre Dame de la) Assumption of the New Valencia del Rey), is a city in Venezuela, capital and most populous city of the state of Carabobo, located in the central region of the country.1 The city of Valencia is well known as the Venezuela's industrial capital because it is home to a number of industrial areas of the country.

According to a study by the National Institute of Statistics (INE), the city has a population of 870,000 in 2013 in its homonymous municipality, while the entire metropolitan area has an estimated population of 2,140,000 inhabitants , making it the most populous city in the central region, the third most populated of Venezuela.

The city is made up of five separate autonomous municipalities: Municipality of Valencia, Municipality of Naguanagua, Municipality of San Diego, Municipality of Libertador and Municipality of Los Guayos, each having its respective mayors with their own administrative powers. Local law establishes that the authorities will favor an initiative to create a metropolitan area if it were to raise the parish of Miguel Peña at the level of the municipality3. The city was the capital of Venezuela three times, from 1812 to 1830.

Elvins Humberto González

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