Barter, the "primitive" form of payment in a crisis Venezuela


Photo: REUTERS / Marco Bello

"Here there is no money, only barter," said Mileidy Lovera, 30, walking along a long way. lagoon in Rio Chico (state of Miranda). Her husband caught several early fish, she took them in a cooler and waited to exchange them for food for their four children or medicine for one of them, who is epileptic [19659003] Venezuela A Day Writing

The case of Lovera is the same thing for many Venezuelans who pay for items and products instead of using electronic means of payment or trying to 39, get bills that are rare. They always prefer to have food first and foremost, because there is no guarantee that they can buy it with money later.

Barter appears as a useful exchange method and even more so when we consider the hyperinflation that affects the country's economy. However, for some badysts this represents a decline

. "It is a very primitive payment system but the lack of money in the country is also primitive," he told Reuters (19459013). Luis Vicente León economist of Datanálisis consulting company

According to the May Datbadisis survey, 3.2% of the population reported using barter, while in 2016 this exchange was not even mentioned as a method of payment.

Photo: REUTERS / Marco Bello

The use of barter does not only occur in rural areas, but in Caracas, the country's capital. Julio Blanco, a 34-year-old car taxi driver, works in Catia, one of the city's most popular and popular areas. "I prefer that they pay me with food," he said. "I accept the transfers because the money is not available.I am doing services for food in order to survive."

Photo: REUTERS / Marco Bello

In another Caracas neighborhood, called La Vega, the barber Alfredo Silva wins for every customer who shaves 30 cents (depending on the change of the parallel market). The 40-year-old man said that he accepts transfers, food and – failing these options – he resorts to a more complex method.

The barber accompanies his client to a nearby butcher shop and the butcher ships to Silva the equivalent of the cost of the haircut in the products, which can range from meat to eggs and sausages.

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