Benefits of green juice at breakfast


L & # 39; s universal. There is a wide variety of juices that can be prepared with various foods. But one of the best known is the green juice, this drink contains fruits and vegetables in their greenest form, which helps our body to function better.

We explain 5 advantages to include this drink at breakfast.


Without a doubt, one of the best-known benefits of green juice is that it helps to improve metabolism. The ingredients that compose it provide fibers and antioxidants, components that stimulate the metabolism.

In addition, limiting calories is also a drink recommended for those who want to lose weight, remember that to achieve this goal, the juice must contain mainly vegetables, so you must follow a healthy diet and perform at least 30 minutes of physical activity.


At breakfast, the ideal is to consume foods that give you energy throughout the day. Green foods are ideal for this and also reduce mental fatigue, and what better if you consume them in a rich green juice.

According to the Journal of International Medical Research, green foods provide micronutrients that the body absorbs easily, thereby increasing energy.

Decreases the risk of heart disease

Green juice contains phytochemicals, substances found in foods of plant origin, as ingredients of this drink.

Research has shown that phytochemicals reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.


One of the ingredients of green juice is spinach, which is full of vitamin A, which helps heal wounds and maintain healthy skin. It also contains vitamin C, necessary for the production of collagen.

A study published by the National Library of Medicine mentions that spinach can prevent the onset of acne and can also help heal the skin after the onset of certain outbreaks.


This drink has a diuretic effect. By consuming it, you eliminate substances or waste that your body does not need.

It has also been shown that green juice helps fight the retention of liquids that can cause inflammation.

Although green juice has many benefits, do not forget to take it in moderation, because once prepared with many fruits, you can increase the level of sugar in your blood thanks to the sugars contained in these foods.

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