Bolivia and Peru activate an appointment to consolidate the integration around Ilo and the bioceanic train


Minutes after 9:00 this Thursday, the delegations of Bolivia and Peru have set up a bilateral meeting in Cochabamba to consolidate their integration around the port of Ilo and the bioceanic train. At the table, there are problems of transportation and transport by land and by air to migrate the cargo to this anchorage.

This is the third appointment of this kind. The first was developed in April in Desaguadero as part of the inauguration of the Binational Border Care Center (Cebaf) located in this city, the second was held on May 31 in Ilo where a program was defined to strengthen this anchorage and the air and highway bridges to encourage trade.

At the same time, progress will be reviewed for the completion of the Biocean Railway Integration Corridor (CFBI), a rail plan that aims to unite the ports of Ilo (Peru) with those of Santos (Brazil). Work is underway on the cargo transfer border protocols.

The Bolivian Minister of Public Works, Services and Housing, Milton Claros, and his Peruvian transport and communication partner, Edmer Trujillo, will lead the meeting at which they will also participate. "We need to have adequate logistical connectivity conditions, both for businessmen who intend to reach that port," he said.

In this context, his Peruvian counterpart emphasized at the opening of the meeting. Investing $ 16 million in the Port Terminal to make related improvements with support systems, security and equipment.

But Ilo Airport is also fueled with $ 3 million, both investments will be executed until December 2019, the Peruvian authority said. "It is strengthened in order to provide the conditions for the good work and the transport of goods," said Trujillo

The plan is comprehensive and progresses in operational issues such as the compatibility of transport and transit regulations of dangerous goods . In addition, it is planned to sign an agreement for the approval of driving licenses.

An interinstitutional agreement between the National Port Authority of Peru (Enapu) and the Port Services Administrator of Bolivia (ASPB) is on the agenda. The latter is recognized as the only one authorized to "clear customs" of Bolivian cargo.

"It is part of the goodwill we have between countries to be able to generate optimal conditions for the transport of goods. It is an immediate plan of action that concerns the transportation of goods, logistical problems and road links, "said Claros.

The two ministers have again ratified the 39, commitment of their country to achieve medium-term project of the bioceanic train which also has as partners Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. (05/07/2018)

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