Bolivia loses the medal by doping: the athlete used the pill for height in the games of Odésur


The Bolivian athlete Carolina Ocampo, winner of a silver medal at the Odesur-2018 Games, has been tested positive for having consumed a pill against the effects of height, and l 39; Bolivia's sports organization has asked Bolivia to return the medal, the Bolivian Olympic Committee (COB) reports on Thursday.

Ocampo admitted to having tested positive for a drug test, after having participated in the 4×100 relay discipline, during the final test of the games played in Cochabamba, in the center of the country last June. 19659002] He argues that he lives in Santa Cruz (East), 400 meters above sea level, which is suffering the effects of Cochabamba (center), at nearly 2,600 meters from the sea. altitude and that he buys the pill "sorojchi pill" from a local pharmacy. "I had a lot of headaches, I felt very bad (…) then I took aspirin the day before, it did not happen and I had I took "sorojchi pill" for altitude sickness, "he explained in a video broadcast n social networks. COB President Marco Arze said Thursday that Odesur has asked Bolivia that the relay team composed of Danitza Ávila, Alinny Delgadillo, Guadalupe Tórrez and Ocampo make the medals. for the benefit of Peru, who qualified third.

He also reported that it has been confirmed that another Bolivian, Rodrigo Carvajal, boxing bronze, has tested positive, although the version of it is not yet known [19659002] a prize awarded by the Bolivian government: $ 20,000 for silver and $ 10,000 for bronze

Bolivia arrives in tenth place of the Games, won by Colombia, escorted by Brazil and Venezuela . (19/07/2018)

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