Breastfeeding, the best opportunity to grow up healthy and strong


Breast milk is perfectly designed to meet the nutritional and immunological needs of every child.

This year's World Breastfeeding Week focuses on this practice as a foundation for good long-term child health. Babies and Moms We talk about a universal custom that improves the health, well-being and survival opportunities of women, children and girls around the world, helping to reduce morbidity and infant and maternal mortality .

Breast milk is perfectly designed to meet the nutritional and immunological needs of every child . Breastfeeding is a natural and optimal way of feeding and promotes the bond between mother and daughter or boy, regardless of the environment.

The first 1000 days of life are crucial for human development . In Argentina, the exclusive badfeeding rate for newborns at the time of maternity leave is above 90% and then decreases to 37% at 6 months of age. Globally, the increase in optimal badfeeding could prevent more than 823,000 infant deaths and 20,000 maternal deaths each year.

Benefits of Breastfeeding on Health:

  • Helps prevent hunger and malnutrition in all its forms and has positive effects for the whole life of the girl or boy, as well as mother [19659008]: decreases the incidence and severity of bronchiolitis and other respiratory infections, acute otitis media, diarrhea; prevents tooth decay and the occurrence of malocclusions, and better intellectual development has been proven.
  • It is an inexpensive way to feed the baby with components that
  • It is estimated that about 10% of children, which provides adequate nutrition, easy digestion, provides essential caloric intake and excellent hydration, compared to the formula feed.
  • In low and middle income countries, compared to babies who have never been badfed.
  • Exclusive badfeeding also helps mothers regain a healthy weight before pregnancy and eventually reduces the risk of developing diabetes.
  • For mom, this helps to space births, reduces the risk of bad and ovarian cancer and decreases the risk of hypertension.

Lack or insufficiency of badfeeding may be related to low weight cases, such as being overweight in children. In addition to badfeeding, many factors affect the growth and optimal development of childhood, including the introduction, quantity, consistency and frequency of complementary feeding and the incidence of chronic diseases.

Three recommendations from WHO and UNICEF

• Early initiation to badfeeding in the first hour after birth
• Exclusive badfeeding during the first 6 months of life.
• Breastfeeding maternal illness continued for up to 2 years or more, with the incorporation of nutritionally adequate and safe complementary foods (solids) after 6 months.

Breastfeeding is a universal solution to give every child a good start in life. It enables millions of children to survive and thrive, leading to better health and a more prosperous future. Breast milk is the most potent immunological and nutritional food for babies and little girls, a food that can stimulate brain development like nothing else. It stimulates children's cognitive development, dramatically improving their academic performance, participation in the world of work, and income throughout their lives. Skipping this critical stage of brain development during childhood can lead to impaired cognitive function.

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