Brexit, expat star of Monty Python


The British actor John Cleese, star of the famous group of comics Monty Pyhton, announced his decision to expatriate, disgusted by the Brexit and the political debate in the country in general, as well as by a system media who openly despises and an entertainment industry that he considers decadent.

His claim, between irony, sarcasm and disdain, was published in an interview with the BBC. The actor, scriptwriter, actor and producer reported that he decided, at the age of 80, to move with his wife to the island of Nevis in the Caribbean: where "the climate is better "and the atmosphere" more civilized ". [19659003] No one is saved from his blows. Cleese considers the Brexit to be crazy, but also denounces "the very low level" of the debate on the part of the "brexiteers" with their "lies" and "remnants" with their attempt to "give fear".

Its real target is the "prestigious" media of the kingdom, which questions "the lies and bbadities" of the system, which does not see by chance the country that boasts of having invented the freedom of the press " lastly in Europe "- according to the most recent data – in terms of readers 'and spectators' trust.

Meanwhile, Premier Theresa May – who is attending today's NATO summit in Brussels – insists that the "White Paper Defining More Details" be published on the relations between the US and the EU. EU and Britain after Brexit.

Will be included "the end of free movement, of the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice, the brake on important contributions to the European budget, and the exit of the common agricultural and fisheries policy".

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