Burnout at the International Jazz Festival



As part of the Querétaro International Jazz Festival, there will be various events and activities for the Queretars, which also celebrate the 487th anniversary of the city.

Burnout Records, barely 8 months of operation in the Historic Center, has managed to incorporate it into the format of the festival venues that already has an 8-year trajectory in theaters, which began the 10th of July and will end this weekend.

What better way to celebrate the jazz through a "jamming", which consists of the collective interpretation of a group of musicians who improvise on a musical phrase. And who better than Omar Llamas will tell us the event that they will have this Saturday, July 14th?

"Burnout begins to be recognized, in addition to its vinyl records, also to be a forum in which we usually bring national artists and even from outside, like Colombia and Chile, we thought that it would be a good idea to work with the festival, offering a "jamming," said Llamas, who reserved the names of the special guests in order to generate a surprise effect 19659004] "We are going to have a set of beginners with 5 musicians, all invited by us, among them, members of Filulas Juz, others play at the festival, they are people who even have an international scene; the intention is that the musicians come to Burnout, they write on the list, and according to the improvisation, we will integrate the whole, according to what remains, all this with the intention that There is this musical coexistence among the musicians we select "

To integrate as a musician, we recommend that you arrive early or even contact the store for more details. And if nothing else interests you to go see what it is, we have good news, the entrance will be totally free, however there is a maximum capacity of 120 people, so she arrives so early, the appointment is at 21:30. hours

A curiosity of this vinyl store, is that in the space, there are also conveniences to be able to have a good time, as is the case of the bookstore that has just been made. to be opened by Proyecto Submarino, a literary collective that bets on local and national independent writer.

Also, you can dine at Umami Ramen Bar or have a cup of coffee while you enjoy this particular event that we recommend not only for its improvisational musical character, but also for the dynamic of integration between musicians. local scene, with the national and international of this festival.

NAME: Jam & Jazz on Burnout Records
DATE: July 14
TIME: 9:30 pm [19659011] Cost : E Free admission, limited quota .
Consumption range: $ 100 / $ 150
Price range for used records: $ 80 / $ 500
Price range for new records: $ 300 / $ 1,000

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