Camagüey Cuban Women's Federation to Celebrate Fidel's Anniversary with New Revenues


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Camagüey, Cuba, Federation of Cuban Women, FMC, Fidel Castro

Camagüey, July 28.- A group of young people from Camagüey will receive the card that accredits them as members of the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC), as part of the celebrations of the 92nd anniversary of the birth of the leader of the Revolution and indefatigable fighter of women's rights: Fidel Castro.

This was reported by Anielka Fernández, secretary general of this organization in Camagüey, who badured that the reason will make the ceremonies of entry more special, which will take place in the coming days in the 13 municipalities of the province .

Acts of initiation are also part of the CGF's 58th anniversary celebrations program, to be held on August 23, which also includes the recognition of women with sustained employment in the organization.

In Camagüey, the Federation of Cuban Women has more than 290 thousand affiliates, who carry out their work in all spheres of society.

Currently, about five thousand Agramontinas integrate the Column "Ana Betancourt de Mora", related to agricultural work and sugar production

Similarly, they occupy important responsibilities in the government, since 323 are delegates of the popular power, 45 are presidents of popular councils, 10 are presidents of municipal bademblies and six vice-presidents of these bodies. of the government. (Mariela Peña Segu / Radio Cadena Agramonte) (Photo: Archivo of Cubadebate)

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