Camagüey predicts clouds, showers and thunderstorms


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Weather Forecast, Camagüey, Cloudy, Showers, Thunderstorms

Camagüey, July 11.- The sky will be cloudy today at dawn, increasing gradually during the morning, until cloudy in the afternoon and early evening, with the presence of some showers and thunderstorms, mainly in the center and north of the province.

The winds will blow low variable with areas of calm, becoming southeast from the late morning, with speeds of up to 20 km / h, in addition to the presence of breezes in l & # 39; afternoon.

The sea will have small waves on both coasts

up to 24ºC in most municipalities, higher up in Nuevitas where they will be 26º C. During the day the temperatures will gradually increase, until the day before. to reach maximum in the afternoon of 32º C in the south, higher in the center and 33º C.

The Sun will leave today at 6:35. and it will be fixed at 19h58, while the Moon continues in the phase of decay of the quarter

Department of the forecasts

INSMET – Camagüey


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