Celebrate the Feast of the Historian – Cubajournalists


D'Ángela Oramas Camero

Members of the UNHIC Basic Section in Havana and the Upec History Circle made an offering on Saturday, June 30 with chrysanthemum flowers on the gravestones of Emilio Roig de Leuchsenring and his wife, located in the garden of the Minor Basilica of San Francisco de Asis, Havana, on the occasion of July 1 the Day of the Historian, constituted on July 1, 1938 (80 years ago), At this date, the venerable figure of the Cuban journalists and historians was officially named historian of Havana.

Emilio Roig from Leuchsenring studied at the Colegio de Belén. His first article was published in 1905: Impresiones de Viaje, in the Diario de la Marina. In 1908, he earned a Bachelor of Arts and Literature and published at the time Can you live in Havana without a penny? with which he won the award in a humorous essay contest, convened by the magazine El Figaro. From this moment began to acquire responsibilities as a manager in several publications of the time and graduated in civil and notarial law at the University of Havana, 1917. He has traveled to several countries in Europe, Latin America and the United States. He collaborated with publications of great importance among readers and founded the International Law Magazine and Contemporary Cuba, 1922 and 1923, respectively.

He was a participant in the Protesta de los Trece and a member of the retail group. Later, he was deputy director of Carteles magazine where he published dozens of anti-imperialist articles. Already appointed historian of the city of Havana, on his initiative created the City Historian's Office, which took over and addressed issues, such as the Cuadernos de historia habanera., Among many of them. other important responsibilities.

He was a member of the Academy of History and the Antifascist League, in favor of the Spanish Republic. He worked as a journalist and historian in an intense way; no one knows how he never complained of exhaustion, he did a lot for his beloved Havana and he was a defender of Cuba's sovereignty, of his anti-imperialist stance. He was born on August 23, 1889 and died on August 8, 1964.

Words of homage were uttered by Andrés Zaldívar Diéguez, President of UNHIC in Havana, as well as by the directors of this José Antonio Doce Pérez Union, Eddie Elías Quiñones Díaz. In addition, the journalists took part: Ania Ortega, Ángela Camero Oramas, Luis Hernández Serrano and Pedro García.

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