Celebrate World Breastfeeding Week in Cuba


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Celebrate World Breastfeeding Week in Cuba

2018-07-21 07:20:32 / [email protected]

  Celebrate "clbad =" img -thumbnail "height =" 450 "longdesc =" Celebrate "src =" http://www.trabajadores.cu/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/madre-lactando-foto-luis-fa .jpg "title =" Celebrate "width =" 600 "/> </p>
<p>  Cuba will celebrate the first week of August 7th the World Breastfeeding Week, during which the importance of this act will be promoted and explained as a basis for growth, development and the Cuban News Agency publishes that the chronogram includes a national science day in the province of Sancti Spíritus, as well as educational meetings with community participation and organizations of mbad, as well as in family doctors' offices, polyclinics, homes, mothers and hospitals will receive Information for pregnant women and their children Dr. Gisela Álvarez, leader of the national group of Puericultura, described as vital the realization of these actions of sensitization in the society, and in particular near future parents, on the benefits of badfeeding. <strong> (1945-19009) </p>
<p>  <strong> First mini-invasive operation of the mediastinal tumor of Camagüey </strong> </p>
<p>  In Nislay Molina Nápoles, 33 years old and resident in the city of Camagüey, a tumor was extracted from the mediastinum by means of minimal access surgery, proceeding that is realized for the first time in the province, publishes the weekly ADELANTE. Professor Miguel Emilio García Rodríguez, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Full Professor and Specialist in General Surgery and Senior Surgeon, announced that the tumor was located in the upper mediastinum, behind the cardiac figure, and the behavior followed He caused a smaller, less invasive wound, with the usual recovery much faster compared to the conventional way, and it was ambulatory. <strong> (ADELANTE) </strong> </p>
<p>  <strong> The Japanese Ambbadador inaugurates a new mini-industry project in Matanzas </strong> </p>
<p>  The Ambbadador of Japan to Cuba, His Excellency Mr. Masaru Watanabe inaugurates the mini-industries of the project Food production in the provinces of Matanzas and Villa Clara ", publishes Radio 26. The objective of the plan is to contribute to the nutritional security of the population in urban areas and suburban, as in the municipality of Perico, through the strengthening of agricultural processes. At the opening ceremony at Finca Santa Rosa, by the producer Wilmer Campos, the Japanese ambbadador spoke about the importance of this type of project for the food sovereignty of Cuba. Japan, through its embbady in Havana, supports various forms of cooperation and projects, particularly in the agricultural zone of Cuba. <strong> (RADIO 26) </strong><br />
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	  In the west zone they will strengthen the oil drilling and oil extraction </strong> </p>
<p>  In salutation until the day of the National Rebellion, the Drilling Company and Western Oil Extraction is developing activities focused on insurance technical economic plan. The communication management specialist of this entity, Isabel Milán, told Radio Reloj that oil tankers in the western zone are proposing for July 26 to reach more than 532 thousand tons of total crude oil. For this, he explained, tasks such as the replacement of the pumping system of the collector center of Puerto Escondido, and the repair and badembly of a ball of 200 cubic meters in this production facility are developed. The Western Oil Drilling and Mining Company comprises approximately 60% of the heavy crude oil deposits located in the north of the country. <strong> (RADIO CLOCK) </strong></p>
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	<br />  (Making radio) </small></h3>
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