Charcoal export helps the economy – Avileña Television


  Although there are not many female hands, some work in the coal-mining center

The agro-industrial company Ceballos of Ciego de Ávila has exported more than 215,000 tons to European countries marabout charcoal from 2007 to date, program that helps the Cuban economy and facilitates the creation of new jobs.

The harvested volume increased to over two thousand hectares of the thorny plant by axes, machetes and other means, the clearing of which resulted in an increase in later for agricultural crops and livestock

Some three thousand coal producers from Ciego de Ávila, Camagüey, Las Tunas and Granma worked in these tasks, and often they cook, prepare ovens, take take care of them the nights so that they are not blown and all participate in the gathering of tails.

The initiative was born 11 years ago and since then the sending of this material energy proportion an entry in foreign currency that takes advantage of the financial capacity, explained to the ACN l & # 39; 39, engineer Wilver Bringas Fernández, general manager of the group that heads.

Bringas said that in every group of laborers there is a strict control in the production of coal to guarantee the exportable qualities, since each phase has specific technical indices in the size and thickness of tree trunks .

The main areas exploited are located in the municipalities of Manzanillo, Colombia, Guáimaro and the environs of Ciego de Ávila and Camagüey, still in Marabuzales in the face of climatic adversities, said Florentino Delgado Martínez, specialist in agriculture.

He added that the amount of charcoal that Ciego de Ávila provides to the Old Continent is much higher than indicated, since other Avilanian companies also undertake similar exports, but in small volumes such as Forestry Integr al, flora and fauna, communal services and various crops Cuba

The marketing carried out by Agroindustrial Ceballos is carried out by the Cítricos Caribe SA to countries like Italy, Greece, Portugal, Spain and others, who are interested in the quality of production and its energy values, said Delgado Martínez

He said that this type of fuel Cuban began to be exported . this does not harm the environment and, on the contrary, it abounds so much that in the Greater Antilles Islands there are more than one million hectares infested by this weed, especially in the land agricultural and livestock areas.

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