Che sculptural top at 5 million visitors


The sculptural ensemble Ernesto Che Guevara of Santa Clara, where the remains of the Heroic Guerrilla and his companions of the Detachment of Reinforcement rest, arrived on June 11 to 5 million visitors

. from its history since its inauguration in 1988, increased by the interest, Cubans and foreigners, to deepen the pbadages of his fruitful life.

The arrival of the Ernesto Che Guevara Sculptural Ensemble of Santa Clara to 5 million visitors, is also related to the program developed by this institution on the occasion of its 90th anniversary on June 14th.

The number of people who come to the place of the forced visit, shows the signs of admiration, affection and commitment to man transformed into a paradigm for the world [19659002] (Visited 1 time, 4 visits today)

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