Children's party in santiaguera


At the height of the revival that lives, in every sense of the word, this eastern province will be one of the national seats of the celebration of children's day

  Children's Day [19659003] In the city of Santiago de Cuba, the central activities will be based in the Parque de los Sueños. Author: Abel Rojas Barallobre </strong></p>
<p>  All colors and initiatives of a province in total renovation are put here today on July 15th, according to the Children 's Day party. </p>
<p>  This eastern territory is one of the national places of celebration, and joy, good art and goodies reach the main squares and scenarios of the provincial capital and the nine municipalities, said Annia Poblador Serguera, first secretary of the Provincial Committee of the UJC </p>
<p>  In the city of Santiago de Cuba, the central activities are based in the Parque de los Sueños, this emporium of recreational options requested by the santiagueros and the visitors, who in the middle of the morning will welcome the presentation of the theatrical groups Relacionarte, Campanadas and Compañía Variedades Santiago </p>
<p>  Among the frolics of Chaguitos, the identity character of the province, which with the wolves, the bears, the bees and all the wildlife of the forest usually crosses the streets, will be stung a giant cake and the Ice Cream and Fruit Festival, an idea with which the province gives the little ones s children their wide potential in these appetizing nglones </p>
<p>  The Dream Park proposals are added, said Lilibet Godinez, from the ideological department of the UJC Provincial, the Circuba show presentations in the main theater of the Heredia Theater at 11 am and 5 pm and the performance of the Rainbow Children's Company, at five o'clock in the afternoon, in the Chan Chan Hall of the Complex Cultural Ferreiro. </p>
<p>  With a special audience, whose children should be welcome children's homes without family protection, the provincial palace of the pioneers A flower for Camilo will be another of the scenarios of this jolgorio to the santiaguera, in which artistic presentations, sporting events, clowns, sweets and even the inauguration of a space for mbadage </p>
<p>  In the context of the celebration, which greets the 65th anniversary of the act of Moncada, will also encourage contact of children with the story from their own scenarios </p>
<p>  This will be the best preamble for that from July 16 to July 20, the relief of the most popular holiday celebrations of countries, take to the streets to develop the carnival of children, antechamber of Rumbón Mayor 2018, whose tradition will take place from July 21 to 27 </p>
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