Chilean President deplores the cover of the Catholic Church


July 28, 2018, 14:49 Santiago, Chile, July 28 (Prensa Latina) Chilean President Sebastián Piñera today lamented the role of an area of ​​the Catholic Church in the south of the country in the camouflage of Many acts of badual abuse committed by priests

In an interview with the Regional Association of TV channels, the conservative president, fervent follower of religion Catholic, expressed disappointment at the current perspectives of the Church in Chile.

It hurts what all Chileans know, because there have been many victims that no one has welcomed, no one has listened to them, no one has protected them and they have suffered from badual violence in loneliness and lack of support.

He described as "a huge mistake" the fact that the hierarchy of the Catholic Church in Chile was not acting in time, perhaps because they wanted to protect the "church". institution.

"They could and should have avoided many abusers. I suffer a lot from Chilean children and it hurts me deeply, "said Piñera

who positively badessed the complaints that have been known in recent months to change the situation and" face with more truth, with more courage and with " say it clearly and respectfully as a Catholic: the Church should never conceal a crime, let alone when it comes to crimes of badual abuse of children "[19659005]. Eve learns that another priest was suspended from office by the Archdiocese of Puerto Montt, after receiving a complaint of badual abuse from a minor, a new chapter in the scandals of the 39th. ;Catholic Church.

The new case was opened against the priest Dionisio Muñoz Aro in Puerto Montt, a little over a thousand kilometers south of Santiago, and underlines the statement that an investigation was launched to determine the truth of the case. ;case.

Las tensio In the region of the Catholic Church in Chile, the Archbishop of Santiago, Ricardo Ezzati, followed in recent days court proceedings that also included senior nuns

. The panorama points directly to dozens of cases of badual abuse committed. by ministers of the Catholic faith in an unprecedented discovery. Two visits to Chile by Vatican envoys accelerated the denunciations.

In January, during his visit to the south of the country, Pope Francis gave his support to the then highly interrogated Bishop of Osorno, Juan Barros. turn 180 degrees to its position.

Now the quote as charged for August 21 by Cardinal Ezzati, has triggered new manifestations of rejection of the role of the highest Catholic figures in Chile before chapters related to pedophilia, concealment and abuse of power .

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