Chile's SANFIC Film Festival selects 22 short films


July 19, 2018, 11:23 Santiago, Chile, July 19 (Prensa Latina) The Santiago International Film Festival (SANFIC), in its 14th edition that begins August 19, has selected 22 productions this year . fiction and documentary in the short film section

SANFIC-14, organized by the CorpArtes Foundation and produced by Storyboard Media, has today made the first announcement of films that will compete in National Talent Short Film, in the event which will continue until 26. August 1945.

Stresses the participation of the winner of the short film of the Cinéfondation of the Festival of Cannes 2018, El verano del león eléctrico, of Diego Céspedes, based on the case of "the prophet of Peñalolén", which will be premiered in Chile.

Among the directors are well-known actors Diego Ruiz and Paulo Brunetti (Argentine who lives in Chile), as well as local artists, including Héctor Noguera, Patricia Rivadeneira, Francisca Gavilán and Alejandro Goic

Across the court film National talent of our festival, we have the opportunity to discover the most recent work of Chilean cinema, commented Francisca Florenzano, executive director of CorpArtes

. they plunge into real events of our own history, stories about the south of our country and fictions that take us into the fields, lakes and desert of Chile. "

The national animation is represented by short films Magic Dream, Tomás Welss, and Waldo's Dream, Jorge Campusano, José Navarro and Santiago O'Ryan

Among the proposals experimental genres include Lucas Quintana's A Love Story, Francisco Sellés Vargas's Be Water, Danger and Alone, co-directed by Nicole Costa and American actress Mary Monahan, and The Sea becomes a spiral, by Jeremy Hatcher

This selection of short films includes new talents and directors with more experience than by their stories, They reflect the current work of our society with a powerful and incisive cinematic look, Carlos Nuñez, artistic director of SANFIC-14

Parallel to the competition, the festival will show the particularity of the short films Adolescencia, by José Fernando Rodríguez. (Puerto Rico), director of the documentary department of the Tribeca Film Institute

Similarly, from the beginning, of the American Miguel J. Soliman, with Andrea Chilean Andrea Velasco and Argentine writer Nicolás Giacobone, one Oscar winners of Best Original Screenplay by Birdman, Alejandro González Iñárritu.

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