China, United States, Rates | Economy



Chinese Premier Li Keqiang baderted that "no one will profit from a trade war and that, on the contrary, such conflicts will only hinder world trade."

The official claimed that his country would never have sparked a conflict like the other world economic powers "because it is not a reasonable solution."

YOU CAN SEE From today began the trade war between two powers

Li badured that China would defend the legal interests of enterprises present in the country irrespective of its origin, and ensures stable and stable economic growth.

He also expressed his satisfaction for the unity of Europe and the strength of the euro. "We congratulate a united continent and a strong Euro.The most important is to follow the trade rules and laws of the European Union."

China has not been lagging behind and has also reacted to US tariffs with similar measures that have a value of 34,000 million dollars.

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