China's foreign trade on the rise, despite the tariff attack of the United States


July 13, 2018, 03:30 Beijing, July 13 (Prensa Latina) China's commercial activity in the first half of 2018 increased by 7.9 percent, equivalent to movements of 14.12 billion yuan (2.1 trillion dollars) despite the intensification of US protectionism, official data confirmed today.

A report from the General Administration of Customs indicated that exports grew by 4.9 percent and had a value of 7.51 billion yuan (more than a billion dollars) while imports rose 11.5 percent to 6.6 billion yuan (990 billion US dollars).

Despite these increases from one year to the next, there was a 26.7% reduction in the trade surplus, which left 901.320 billion yuan ($ 135 billion) ) because the Asian giant is working to balance this balance.

However, the administration made reference to the stability in China's foreign trade growth because of the global economic recovery and the strength of the domestic market.

According to the report, trade operations with the European Union, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the United States; 10 and 5.2, respectively.

The main items exported were electromechanical equipment and other machinery, while oil, natural gas, seafood and soybeans, among others, dominated purchases.

The statistics are known amidst the US trade showdown against China, which involved the reciprocal imposition of 25% tariffs and a $ 34 billion value on imported items.

Expected to exacerbate Washington's shock of additional 10 percent and $ 200 billion of the Asian giant's six-thousand-dollar war, which the government is preparing to make.

tgj / ymr

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