Ciénaga de Zapata is a healthy municipality, said Díaz Canel (+ Photos)


Díaz – Canel held a fluid exchange with the inhabitants of Ciénaga de Zapata

Ciénaga de Zapata, Cuba. – This is a healthy municipality, said Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, president of state councils and ministers, during his government visit to the polyclinic of Cayo Ramona, in this city, with emergency services that serve more than two thousand 200 inhabitants

The head of state learned from local authorities that this municipality, the largest and least populated of the island, presents a zero infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births and that the polyclinic is an extension of the Playa Larga, he attended seven medical practices of the family

Diaz-Canel is interested in the situation of transportation in the community and talks with the locals who came to greet him, according to ACN Ventura de Jesús, journalist

Marisol Alonso González, president of the Municipal Assembly of the People's Power of Cienaga of Zapata explained that during the pbadage of the subtropica storm the Alberto, the wetland was The Cuban president visited the Children's Circle Florecitas de Abril and the office of the procedures, site in which a pleasant exchange with the population took place. 19659003] The living history of the events of April 1961 that tells in the Museum of Girón Beach was also object of the road, and he enjoyed the abysmal difference of Ciénaga before 1959 and the economic, social development and cultural territory of the south. after the triumph of the Revolution in Cuba, expressed in images and documents.

In the management center for risk reduction of the Playa Larga Popular Council, Diaz-Canel learned about studies to minimize the impact of natural disasters and the importance of this scientific entity to the effects of climate change that are perceived today in the wetland.

Be well prepared for the onset of these phenomena. or Díaz-Canel, continuing studies on the quality of drainage and what happened is an experience for the country.

Elba Rosa Pérez Montoya, Head of the Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment (CITMA) and Inés María Chapman, President of the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources, accompany Díaz-Canel in this Government visit to the province of Matanzas, which began with the largest and best-preserved wetland in the Caribbean.

At Jagüey Grande, the Cuban president visited the harvester Heroes of Girón where he was interested in the processing of mango and pineapple, two exportable items. There, he was informed of the citrus situation, a crop that has decreased in recent years its production affected by diseases and pests.

On this subject, Diaz-Canel said to continue working on their recovery in order to reach the productive snows. Diaz – Canel during his visit to Cayo Ramona

Díaz – Canel at the Children's Circle of Cayo Ramona

Díaz – Canel at Cayo Ramona

Visit to the Memorial Museum Playa Girón

Source ACN – Pictures of Radio Rebelde

Taken by NNC – El Notinet of Cuba

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