Cienfuegos will be well represented at IX FIRE Congress


Before leaving for Havana, the delegates of Cienfuegos at the FEU Congress exchanged with the maximum direction of the province./Photo: Yudith Madrazo

An educated, enthusiastic and representative delegation of all university students The territory will personify Cienfuegos at the IX Congress of the University Students' Federation (FEU), whose last sessions will take place from July 6 to 8 in Havana. From this they gave samples in the meeting that held with Lydia Esther Brunet Nodarse, first party secretary in the province and Mayrelis Pernía Lamb, president of the Provincial Assembly of People's Power.

During the meeting the young people were given a glimpse of the economic and social situation of the territory, while the leaders could know their identities, careers and positions, in the case of those who occupy them. The meeting also discussed here the interests and concerns of university students.

The delegation of Cienfuegos to the conclave is composed of 18 students belonging to the two centers of higher education of the territory: the University of Cienfuegos and the University of Cienfuegos. University of Medical Sciences. He is also honored by the presence of two foreign students, actively involved in the work of the FEU.

One of them, Ondile Sikhusona, South African medical student and academic director of the Council of Nationalities, received the accreditation card as a member of the organization. According to him, taking part in the 9th Congress becomes a great opportunity for him: "It is not only a matter of worrying about the adversities facing Cuban students, but also of those who belong to us as foreigners. , in the sense of teaching.

According to Mari Trini Salas Aties, flag bearer of the Cienfuegos delegation and president of the FEU of the University of Medical Sciences, the members of the organization were eagerly awaiting the development of this congress. "We intend to achieve the interaction of all the delegates of the country, enriching ideas and renovation initiatives to make the Cuba FIRE the same as always, but clever, with new creative ideas, typical of the young people of those times. "Jesús Chaviano Díaz, who represents the amateur artists movement, will defend the need to create a mechanism that will allow Cuban universities to acquire the means to develop culture and culture. , as well as the importance of promoting young talents in communities and facilitating professional training through art and culture.

Before the meeting with the highest authorities in the province, delegates also exchanged with the cadres of agriculture, the Ministry of the Interior and the branch of Palmares.

Co-written with Darline Shenandr to Carbó Díaz, student in journalism

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