Codelco mine workers in Chile stop working to protest the layoffs


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By Antonio De La Jara

SANTIAGO (Reuters) – The workers of the copper mine Chuquicamata, in the Chilean public company Codelco, interrupted their work on Monday to protest against the dismissal of two workers, a measure deemed illegal by the company, which prevents the normal development of operations in the deposit

1,2,3 unions of Chuquicamata, plus Antofagasta union 1, agreed on a mobilization that kept blocking access to the division located in the north of the country, the second largest in Codelco, the world's largest copper producer

Labor leaders denounce the unjustified dismissal of both workers, while the mining company claims the application of an article of the labor code related to "deportation "and not" p. "All The unions have been paralyzed, "Union President Liliana Ugarte told Reuters." According to the progress of the negotiations with the administration, we do not know if this paralysis will continue in the following days. "

Chuquicamata produced 331,000 tonnes of copper in 2017.

The mining company said in a statement that the rest of Codelco Norte's operations had not been affected by the mobilization.

" It is imperative to maintain the continuity of the progress of productive processes, because this unfortunate unlawful action of the rulers affects the work and economically to all, "said the state.

The strike in Chuquicamata comes at a time when Codelco is moving forward on an ambitious structural change project to transform the century-old deposit into underground mining from its current open pit, in order to increase its productivity and extend its useful life. [19659005] "Chuqui" would mean the closure of some areas and would consider the dismissal – according to the unions – of some 1,700 workers, out of a total of just over 5,600 workers working in the mine

ask for greater participation to guarantee the rights and benefits of workers before the layoffs that could materialize,

(Edited by Janisse Huambachano / Marion Giraldo)

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