Colombia won a medal in the historic victory against R. Dominicana


Colombia regained the lost glory in Central America and the Caribbean by winning 5 races for 3 Dominican Republic, which allows it to win the bronze, even if this Sunday it will look for the silver medal against Cuba which it will give a direct ticket for the Pan American Games in Lima. 2019.

The National Baseball has not climbed on the hot ball podium in the Central American and Caribbean Sports Games since the title reached by the generation of players led by Carlos 'Petaca'. Rodriguez, who participated in Barranquilla in 1946. [19659002Reinaldo'Chencho'RodriguezadécochéundoublépournettoyerlespistesachalandéesetlaColombieadécollésurletableaud'affichageavectroisbandesquiluiontpermisderespirerpluscalmementjusqu'àla27èmesortiebienqu'ilaitrencontréplusieursreversavantdesouleverbraspourlavictoire

The closest stellar Ernesto Frieri suffered two discount the cusqueyanos races in the bottom of the eighth and a solo homer by Ricardo Nanita who raised the suspense between the yellow spot that covered the stands of the stadium Edgar Renteria.

Dominican inclined

The Dominicans occupied the leggings in the bottom of the second took advantage of the considerable work of the southpaw Ramirez, who opened with base by bullet, his defense showed the seams with a Third goal error Wilmer Alvarado, allowed a Bernardo Luis unstoppable to bring the first race of the people of Sans outs.

After the Cartagena Hill forced a run of Luis Tejada, scratched Angel Franco and closed with a qu 'he took himself to help in the initial in beating Darlin Germán.

Venezuelan colombo Efraín Contreras sent two shots on the field to defeat the slate and Colombia took the lead, 2 to 1.

Right-handed Randy Perez of the Dominican Republic, was catapulted by manager Rafael Rijo, who asked for his opening for the ball after the punishment of the coffee.

Rightist Ulises Joaquín was saved. of the ninth tricolor withdrawing to ten in the line and hanging four zeros in 4 and 2/3 of the acts covered.

Colombia does the same with his bullpen after the stabilization of starter Ronald Ramírez, giving him five chapters to his team gave way to Cuban Yoandry Portal, who's complicated after removing a batter and Luis Yendis of Venezuela is busy with the rest of the work.

The heroic savior went to the American Horacio Acosta, brought up by Juan Ciriaco to unleash the Creole celebration.

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