ConAvil beyond the prowess of work (+ Photos) • Workers


A few days after receiving the Labor Proeza flag, issued by Ulises Guilarte De Nacimiento, member of the Political Bureau of the Party and General Secretary of the Confederation of Cuban Workers, he obtained in the last hours the national flag of the Vanguard , the Collective of the construction and badembly company of Ciego de Ávila (ConAvil)

  The builder Antonio Eduardo Aguilera, aged 50, received the Lazaro Peña third degree medal in the activity . Photo: José Luis Martínez Alejo
The builder Antonio Eduardo Aguilera, fifty, received the Lazaro Peña third degree medal in the activity. Photo: José Luis Martínez Alejo

Jorge Luis Suárez, general manager of the entity, highlighted among the results in 2017, the reconstruction in record time of the international airport Jardines del Rey, in Cayo Coco , devastated by Hurricane Irma last September, and reopened to the operation for the tourist hiking season, thanks to the feat of the construction forces.

He mentioned the contribution of more than 65 million pesos, higher than the plan in the conformity of housing construction programs, public health, tourism development and the use of water resources . He also highlighted the improvement of accommodation conditions in the villas near the works and dining halls that have been declared model.

"The post-tensioned prefabricated beams for the north key bridges of Ciego de Ávila, designed and manufactured by our industrial production unit, won the annual quality award in the product category, awarded by the Ministry of Construction and Union Sector, "stressed the director

In the activity, Antonio Eduardo Aguilera Franco received the Medal Lázaro Peña de Tercer Grado, awarded by the State Council, in recognition of his dedicated work for 50 years; Several workers deserved the Cuban Communist Party card, and a diploma containing the special contribution to the homeland of more than 5,000 pesos by ConAvil workers was handed over to the Provincial Office of the Union.

  ConAvil conquered in the last hours the flag of the collective Vanguardia Nacional. Photo: José Luis Martínez Alejo
The workers of ConAvil have conquered in the last hours the flag of the collective Vanguardia Nacional. Photo: José Luis Martínez Alejo

 Micons annual price for prefabricated product quality beams for the north key bridges of Ciego de Ávila. Photo: José Luis Martínez Alejo
Annual Micons Prize for quality post-tensioned prefabricated beams produced for Nordic key bridges at Ciego de Ávila. Photo: José Luis Martínez Alejo

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