Concert today in Camagüey by Tony Ávila, Virulo and Jorge Díaz


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Camagüey, Cuba, culture, music, humor, Tony Ávila, Virulo, Jorge Díaz

Camagüey, July 28.- Cuban troubadour Tony Ávila, author of popular themes such as The Chaza de Chacho and Chicha, Timbirichi and Regala's o died in 1980, will be presented today Saturday from 10 pm on the Plaza de la Solidaridad in the city of Camagüey.

his concert at tierra agramontina will be accompanied by two important figures from the scene of Cuban humor: Alejandro García, Virulo and Jorge Díaz, who will appreciate and reflect on the audience at home, with their humorous play and clever.

These three artists are precisely united by the ability to illustrate in their songs, humor through, the authenticity of Cuban. And Tony Ávila, although not a direct representative of humor, is distinguished by the use of the double meaning in his compositions.

For his part, Virulo and Jorge Díaz, are these "comedians", spicy and witty words, who knew how to make little room for melody, intelligence and criticism to our reality .

So, tonight, the people of Camagüey will have the chance to enjoy a luxury concert tinged with good words. (Digital Edition) (Photo: Archivo)

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