Constitutional reform admits private property and equal marriage but not multiparty


(EFE) .- The constitutional reform, whose text began to be debated this Saturday in Parliament, eliminates the term communism, integrates the economic reforms of Raúl Castro in the last decade "in favor of socialism sustainable with private property "and opens the doors to same-bad marriage.

The more than 600 deputies of the National Assembly of People's Power are convened from this Saturday until Monday in Havana to polish the 224 articles divided into 11 titles, 24 chapters and 16 sections of the new Magna Carta, at a meeting without access to the foreign press

The draft under discussion amends 113 articles, adds 87 and eliminates 11 compared to the current Constitution of 1976 to adapt the new text to the economic and political reality Cuba and the international community, explained the Secretary of State Council, Homero Acosta, in a speech broadcast on state television ubana

In the economic sphere, the new constitutional proposal reflects this objective by only mentioning "socialism" as State policy, contrary to the current text which, in Article 5, states "progress towards communist society" .

In the economic field, the new constitutional proposal reflects this objective by only mentioning "socialism" as state policy

In addition, article 21 of the following Constitution recognizes "d & # 39; other forms of ownership such as the cooperative, "mixed and private property", which also represents a significant change in the 1976 document that recognizes only state property and the agricultural cooperative.

Similarly, the draft bill allows foreign investment as "a necessity and a development element", with the aim of attracting foreign exchange to alleviate the endemic economic crisis in the country and to which could worsen if the instability in Venezuela, its main partner and supporter

The constitutional opening to private capital underpins the reforms implemented by the former leader Raúl Castro since 2006, which legalized "independent work" in sectors such as hotels, transport or tourism President Miguel Díaz-Canel continued after taking office in April this year. [19659002MorelimitedarethechangesthatthenewConstitutionwillimposeinthepoliticalspherewherethe"socialistcharacterofthepoliticalandsocialsystem"underthecommandoftheCommunistPartyof Cuba as "force superior of direction "

More limited are the changes that the new Constitution will impose in the political sphere, where the" socialist character of the system "is maintained political and social" under the command of the Communist Party of Cuba

In this area , the most important proposals of the pre-project are the creation of the figure of the President of the Republic, head of state who will badume the position with less than 60 years and limit his mandate to a dozen or so from year to year, as well as the new post of prime minister to head the Council of Ministers, supreme organ of state.

In addition, the draft establishes that the State Council, supreme governing body up to now headed by the country's president, is headed by the president of the National Assembly .

In foreign policy, the draft text of the Carta Magna establishes a "multipolar vision in international relations" to avoid "hegemonism and domination" of foreign powers although it omits the term "imperialism" , always in the mouths of its leaders to define the strategy of the United States and its allies. 19659002] In the social field, the redefinition of marriage as "union between two people" stands out, which would open the door to the legalization of equal union, one of the main claims of the collective LGTBI.

In the social field, the redefinition of marriage as "union between two people" stands out, which would open the door to the legalization of equal union

"It is not said that he is about equal marriage, just break this barrier so that in the future it can be incorporated, "said the secretary of the State Council, who stressed the need to change Certain aspects of the Civil and Family Code to achieve this goal.

Whatever the case may be, constitutional change will be a great step in favor of LGTBI rights in a country where, until there are some decades, homobaduals were persecuted as "social scourges" and in many cases interned in military labor camps

.] The secular nature of the state is also upheld and religious freedom is ratified, a question who for decades is a source of c on the part of dissidents and foreign organizations who accuse the Cuban government of repressing the right of worship

The text taken today in Parliament also proposes to amend eleven laws and the penal, civil and family codes after the ratification of the next Magna Carta.

MEPs will approve in a predictable way Monday the draft, even if it still has to undergo a popular consultation and finally a referendum in which the citizens allow the implementation of the new Cuban Constitution.


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