Constituyentes seek to revoke the deputies of the opposition


July 08, 2018 – 22:58



Agencia EFE

The presidency of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) gave guidelines to the organization to evaluate a recall referendum for the Members of parliament, controlled

This was reported yesterday by the deputy Pedro Carreño who stated that the "directives" had been received by the first vice-president of the party, "Comrade Diosdado Cabello".

Carreño explained that the idea is evaluation in the 23 states plus the capital district for "we present a consensual proposal of who will collect the signatures to request the recall referendum," he said in an interview with the private channel Televen and broadcast yesterday.

See also: Diosdado Cabello, appointed President of the Constituent Assembly of Venezuela

According to what he said, to deputies of Parliament, which he pointed out, he is in "I accept" the Supreme Court and that for this reason his acts are "void", "half" is fulfilled at the end of this month and that, according to the Constitution, if 20% of the signatures of the register are collected

The party's regional vice president for Zulia (north-east) and trujillo (west) states that if this is done, it would be due to an "ethical sanction" and a "moral sanction". , Parliament) "fills no competition" and "does absolutely nothing."

Article 72 of the Venezuelan Constitution establishes that "all elected offices and magistrates are revocable" and that "after half of the period for which the civil servant has been elected" may apply for the appeal for "a referendum to revoke his term."

In 2016, the Venezuelan opposition collected signatures to revoke the mandate of Nicolás Madur or, but after denouncing a series of obstacles and then the orders courts in seven states the referendum was suspended for alleged fraud of rubrics.

Evo, in defense

The President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, yesterday expressed his repudiation of the "reckless statement" of the US Secretary of State. UU., Mike Pompeo, on the situation in Venezuela and expressed solidarity with the government of Nicolás Maduro before what he considered the "worst coup attempt" US

"We repudiate the reckless statement of the Former head of the CIA and secretary of the state department, Mike Pompeo, who insists on his plan of putsch against the democracy of Sister Venezuela ", writes Morales on Twitter

The Bolivian leader accuses the United States United to be "the author of interventions and bloody coups", for which He badured that "there is no morality to speak of freedom".

He also expressed his solidarity with Maduro, "who resists with revolutionary dignity the worst US putsch."

"In Bolivia, agents of the empire they also accuse us of dictatorship, recover and administer our natural resources with sovereignty," added Morales.

Last Thursday, the American Embbady. UU In Caracas, he issued a statement from Pompeo on the occasion of Venezuela Independence Day

In this text, the US official stresses that "Venezuela is historically at a critical point" and that "even before a dictatorial regime" Venezuelans they continue to "revitalize the ideals of freedom and equality on which Venezuela was founded."

The Maduro government rejected the statement considering that it "aspires to ignore Venezuelan state institutions", and asked Donald Trump's administration to cease the "illegal and criminal blockade" against the people of Venezuela ".

The National Constituent Assembly was convened last year to draft a new Constitution for Venezuela, with plenipotentiary powers.

The powers of this House
] and its constituents are above the other public authorities. He was promoted by Nicolás Maduro on May 1, 2017.

Solidarity with Iran

The Venezuelan government yesterday celebrated "with joy" that Iran and the five powers that remain in the country. 39 July 2015 multilateral nuclear agreement reaffirmed their President Nicolás Maduro said in a statement that he "joyfully celebrates the recent agreements contained in the final declaration of the Vienna Summit". on the multinational nuclear agreement with Iran, during which the Foreign Ministers of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, China and from Germany met. "

and diplomacy, in contrast to other interventionist and unilateral measures that ignore international law," states the text on US sanctions .. UU

Similarly, the Maduro administration said that she recognized "the effort and the respect of the common global action plan" and that she "encouraged the support" of the international community to "defend" the chord.]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply (n , arguments): n.queue.push (arguments)};
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