Cuba, among the countries most affected by electric shocks in the world


Due to the strong electrical activity storms in Cuba, the country has positioned itself as one of the most affected by lightning in the world, according to Manuel Iturralde, president from the Cuban Society of Geology, to the official Prensa Latina

According to Iturralde, the months with the most electric activity are those of the summer, since the intense heating of the air acts as a catalyst of these atmospheric processes. Tropical waves, hollows and cold fronts also provide ideal conditions for such storms.

Adequate weather conditions and the irresponsible attitude of some people caused electric shocks to be the leading cause of death due to weather events. Cuba.

Between 1987 and 2011, 1,522 victims were reported due to flares in Cuba, mainly between July and September, Iturralde reported. He also explained that, even if all the people struck by lightning are not killed, being subjected to a current of several amperes and thousands of degrees of temperature is enough to have serious consequences. about health.

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