Cuba among the countries most affected by lightning on the planet


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Camaguey, Cuba, Lightning, Storms, Cuban Society of Geology, Manuel Iturralde

Havana, July 24.- Cuba qualifies as one of the territories most affected by said Manuel Iturralde, president of the Cuban Society of Geology

. Electric shocks or flares are badociated with severe local storms, when combined with intense rainfall, hail, tornadoes, waterfalls and destructive gusts of wind occur, although They may occasionally occur in isolation on a clear day, known as lightning

. from the summer, badociated with convective processes that are produced by the great heating of the air, in contact with the surface of the earth, explains Iturralde. 9009] The most common electrical storms last from one hour to one and a half hours, between 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm local time, although they may also occur at other times, due to the fact that there is no such thing as a thunderstorm. advanced tropical waves, hollows and cold fronts, said the Cuban scientist.

He also recalled that between 1987 and 2011, 1,522 victims were reported by flares in Cuba, most often from July to September.

In this sense, he pointed out that the electrocution is latent all year round and at any time; it suffices to combine the appropriate atmospheric conditions with a careless attitude.

This is the biggest cause of death due to weather phenomena in Cuba, says the geological engineer.

All people do not die when they are hit by electric shocks. The fact that it has been subjected to a current of several amperes and thousands of degrees of temperature is enough to cause serious consequences for human health.

It is therefore necessary to act responsibly in the face of a deadly enemy, warns Iturralde. (PL) (Photo: File)


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