Cuba and Dominican R. suffer from stumbling on the same day in Central American baseball


The powerful Cuban powers of the Cuban Caribbean and the Dominican Republic experienced a black Sunday when they were beaten by Puerto Rico and Venezuela, respectively, on the third day of the championship of the XXIII Sports Games. Central America and the Caribbean. At the end of this Sunday, at the Edgar Renteria stadium, Puerto Rico defeated Cuba 8 races for 1 and took the lead with Colombia by adding two undefeated victories.

The Puerto Ricans chained 11 strokes, one less than their rivals, but they were more effective in getting the men moving through the bases, added to an exquisite defense performing two double murders with which deflated any Cuban rebellion that has never given up despite the big difference.

Puerto Ricans scored a hairline in the first inning, a group of four in the bottom of the fourth chapter, one more in the fifth and two in the octave

The most important game was the triplet Puerto Rican central porter Aldo Méndez, who placed him between the left and central gardens with cluttered bases, in the bottom of the fourth episode cleaning the road and worsening the crisis in the Puerto Rican Launcher did not granted larger licenses to the Cuban artillery, still dangerous, which no less gave 10 indisputable, but his throws and his defense showed the seams of a team inconsistent with his history . They granted three walks and on the eight Puerto Rican tracks, two were dirty

For Puerto Rico, designated striker Randy Ruiz, 4-3, with a trailer; shortstop Oswaldo Martinez, 5-0, 2 points scored and a run; Aldo Méndez, 4-1, with 3 RBIs

The winner of the match was the good Anthony Seise Jr; the loser was Cuban Fredy Alvarez, who barely worked 3 and 2/3, giving 4 hits, 5 points, 4 without fail, 2 pbadports and 4 strikeouts.

Meanwhile, Venezuela has recovered from the defeat of the day before. this same Puerto Rico and won by crushing 4 points for 0 in the Dominican Republic.

The opener Juan Colmenares patriotic extended by seven acts and a third, hitting the same number of rivals, allowed 4 shots, granted a single base for The balls and their raises Marco Tabata and Jean Toledo were untouchable in not allowing shots in one and two thirds to complete the win.

Colmenares won. The defeat went to Dominican Ulises Joaquín with 4 and 2/3, 8 indisputable, 4 without fail and 5 strikeouts.

The ninth Vinotinto scored two in the first inning, one more in third and the last to end the duel. the fifth. Three of these four were scored at the feet of the same man, Carlos Colmenares, 4-3, with three points scored and a trailer.

Positions show Colombia and Puerto Rico 2-0; Cuba, 2-1; Venezuela and the Dominican Republic, 1-1; Mexico, 1-2; Panama and Nicaragua, 0-2

On Monday from 10 am, Nicaragua and Venezuela are measured; at 3.00 pm, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico; and at 8 pm, Colombia and Panama.

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