Cuba and Vietnam for capturing investments in the Mariel area


The constitution of the company ViMariel SA between Cuba and Vietnam to develop an industrial park in the Mariel Special Development Zone (ZEDM) has among its objectives the attraction of investments, the managers said aujourd & # 39; hui.

The injection of foreign capital will come from European, Latin American and Latin American entities. Asia which possesses advanced technologies, and which facilitate greater benefits to the Caribbean island, explained to Prensa Latina the chairman of the board of Corporación Viglacera SA, Tran Anh Tuan

In the enclave, infrastructure will be built on It comprises, as a first step, a concession of some 156 hectares with expansion possibilities of up to 300 hectares in l & # 39; 50 years, he said

This administrative concession-given by Decree No. 340- will have for objectives to project, invest, build, manage and exploit the infrastructure, and the creation of the park mentioned above, located in Sector A of ZEDM, located about 45 kilometers west of this capital.

ViMariel S.A. is a subsidiary of the Vietnamese trading company Viglacera SA, leader in industrial parks, Anh Tuan has expanded and explained that he has more than 200 investment companies.

We hope that with our experience of the company for more than 20 years we can occupy the space the executive said that another interest of ViMariel is to Establish companies in the ZEDM that have the potential to respond to Cuba's demand in the first place and then expand to Latin America and the Caribbean. In this type of investment, the gains are long-term, he said, but he felt that in the short term and with the help of the ZEDM, they will be able to & # 39; Accompany investors to study, develop projects and inject capital.

He explained that until now have held meetings with representatives of companies in Belgium, Spain and Portugal, but the most important is working with a Chinese company specializing in glbad production.

ViMariel is the first and only company of the ZEDM to hold the status of administrative concessionaire, provisionally granted by the Council of Ministers. for the management of a public service, the realization of a public work or the exploitation of a property of the public domain, according to the established terms and conditions.

In ZEDM are included two figures to establish businesses, the dealer and the user, the difference is that the latter is a company that establishes, produces or provides services.

While the dealer has a public foundation, a private person who will develop a function that would correspond to the state.

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