Cuba installs desalination plants to mitigate drought in its eastern region • El Nuevo Diario


Three new brackish water desalination plants will begin operating in the eastern province of Santiago de Cuba to ensure the supply of the population even in extreme drought situations, reported today. the official media of the island.

will join a similar facility, the largest of its kind in the country, already operating in the neighboring area of ​​Boca de Cabañas, to create what will be a "desalination laboratory" dedicated to managing the "most frequent Initiative is part of the short-term action plan designed by the Cuban authorities to cope with the expected arrival of an intense drought like that which affected 71% of Cuban territory. until last year, caused mainly by the lack of rain.

During the three years that this phenomenon has lasted – considered the worst of its kind in the last 110 years on the island – nearly a million people have been affected, of which more than half in Santiago de Cuba

With a reverse osmosis system and the singularity of being the only factory in the country directly related to the supply of the population, The Boca de Cabañas desalination plant has processed more than half a million cubic meters of potable water at the rate of 50 liters per second, intended to supply the residential sector.

this plant is scheduled to build a new facility that will serve the Antonio Maceo thermoelectric plant and will seek to make this industry independent of the provincial supply network.

The heavy rains since last September, when the violent hurricane Irma devastated the island, helped reverse the worst drought of the last century, which caused for three years serious problems of water shortage and losses in agriculture.

desalinizadoras, the Cuban government approved the badembly of water treatment and wastewater treatment plants to mitigate the effects of lack of water.

In addition, since 2012, the country is putting in the water, which tries to solve the losses in the conduction of the liquid, caused mainly by the poor condition of the pipes, and paris by its rational use in agriculture.

In Cuba 60% of the water is used in agricultural work, 20% for the consumption of the population, 5% for industrial use and the rest in other economic activities.

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