Cuba lost to Colombia at the Pan American Volleyball Cup (e)


Havana, July 13 – The Cuban women's team lost 0-3 to Colombia and was able to qualify for the 2019 Games in Lima, at the XXVII. Panamerican Volleyball Cup, based in Santo. Domingo, Dominican Republic.

According to the tournament's website, which distributes five places for the Peruvian continental meet, the Cubans fell with a game of 20-25, 21-25 and 17-25, in one hour and 17 minutes of play, in which they were overcome in the attack, blocking and direct fouls.

The top scorer of the match was Colombian Dayana Segovia, with 19 points, supported by María Margarita Martínez (15), while for Wilfredo Robinson's followers surpbaded only the 13th (13) captain of Sulian Matienzo.

Regla Gracia has accumulated nine, followed by Dayamara Lezcay and Darias Perez, both with 8.

Colombia was better in attack, 36 points by 32, blockade (10-5) and errors made Ortan points to the rivals (14-23), while Cuba lined up with a (7-6) in the service.

With this result, the Cubans will fight Saturday for seventh place against Peru, who fell 0-3 (20-25, 16-25 and 25-20) against Puerto Rico, a team that will fight with Colombians for fifth place for Lima 2019.

Argentina and Mexico won 3-0 and 3-1, but posts from nine to 12, Costa Rica (25-16, 25-13, and 25 -12) and Trinidad and Tobago (25-15, 25-15, 19-25 and 25-17), respectively.

On the program, the winners will fight for the ninth stage, and the losers for the tenth.

The semifinals of this Friday will be Brazil-Dominican Republic and Canada-USA, looking for the win that guarantees the pbad the discussion on the title this Saturday.

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